Author Topic: Where I Do Stuff - Inside  (Read 1831 times)

Offline J.A.F.E.

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Re: Where I Do Stuff - Inside
« Reply #15 on: March 02, 2024, 03:55:49 PM »
Thanks Lou.

Bombay looks right at home. Funny how they can get comfortable in what looks like awkward places.

We had several over the years. The last one was found in a home after the owners were were evicted. She probably there about a week without food or water - other than the toilet bowl and no litter box. I imagine the house stank pretty bad.
People who confuse etymology and entomology bug me in ways I can’t put into words.

Offline john k

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Re: Where I Do Stuff - Inside
« Reply #16 on: March 23, 2024, 10:02:22 PM »
My uncles Army buddy had a ham license, in the 50s, found his big tube setup fascinating.  My dad talked me out of pursuing that route as it was too expensive for a farm kid.  You got a nice looking setup there.

Offline goodfellow

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Re: Where I Do Stuff - Inside
« Reply #17 on: March 24, 2024, 01:04:36 PM »
"Lets see some pix Magic! (if I can be so informal)"

Sure, please call me Lou. The Magic Ratchet is a tool, and a long story that folks from one of my previous lives know me by.

The first photo is an overall view from the sleeper couch: desk, bookshelves, cabinet with the printer and tv (between them is the area where all my HT chargers reside), off to the right is the cat tree in front of the window. Off to the left, out of frame, is the closet where amateur radio station NY4F is located.

The second photo is a view of the station. On the desk, L to R, top to bottom: Behind the computer screen is an Icom PCR-1500 receiver which is displayed on the screen. On the wall behind the desk is a small weather station. Next is a Yeasu FT-736R equipped with 4 band modules for 2 Meters (144-148 MHz), 1.25 M (222-225), 70 cm (420-450), and 23 cm (1.2 GHz). On the far right of the top shelf is a cross needle watt meter. On the desk itself is the computer and speakers for the receiver. There are headphones and some cables, then the power supply and speaker for the Icom IC-7100 on the far right. The computer also provides digital modes such as FT-8 and on-the-fly programming for the IC-7100.

Hope you enjoyed the tour.

Lou Manglass

Fellow HAM here Lou. My shack is above my garage. Main HF rigs are a Yaesu FT-991A and dad's vintage 1970s Heathkit SB-102 transceiver (mainly for old school CW operation). Also running three VHF/UHF digital/analog units for various DMR (Brandmeister) and Yaesu System Fusion WiresX operations. Really enjoying DMR and YSF through a Raspberry Pi hotspot at the QTH. It allows me to roam the neighborhood with my DMR and Yaesu HTs and stay in touch with practically every corner of the globe.

That said, CW is what I enjoy the most.





« Last Edit: March 24, 2024, 05:05:31 PM by goodfellow »

Offline The Magic Ratchet

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Re: Where I Do Stuff - Inside
« Reply #18 on: March 24, 2024, 06:09:46 PM »
That's a very, very nice facility GF! The separation from the house must be nice during contests, or when you just want to work late. I especially like your test bench and the "boat anchors." My experience on the DV modes is mostly limited to D-Star but I do operate DMR now and then. There is a pristine Heathkit HW-101 in storage since we moved but my priority at the moment is VHF/UHF antennas.


Offline goodfellow

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Re: Where I Do Stuff - Inside
« Reply #19 on: March 24, 2024, 08:18:25 PM »
That's a very, very nice facility GF! The separation from the house must be nice during contests, or when you just want to work late. I especially like your test bench and the "boat anchors." My experience on the DV modes is mostly limited to D-Star but I do operate DMR now and then. There is a pristine Heathkit HW-101 in storage since we moved but my priority at the moment is VHF/UHF antennas.


Thanks Lou, much appreciated. Yes, I also like "boat anchor" equipment; in both my garage and my HAM shack. I get a kick out of tuning up and using tube radios to connect to the world. I currently have a horizontal 10-80M EFHW antenna that's up about 80 feet running between two massive oaks in my backyard, and a 2m/70cm J-Pole up about 70 feet to cover the entire county on simplex --

I built the shack because I was out of commission with a ruptured disk for over a year, and couldn't do any garage/auto repair work. Hence I just got my entertainment sitting in an easy chair building radio projects, and running CW QSQs to keep the old grey matter in good condition. Some folks do puzzles, sudoku, or crosswords, but old HAM guys do Morse Code --LOL 

Good luck getting the old Heathkit "Hot Water" 101 back up and running. That's a great radio, and was the successor to my SB-102. I think Heathkit built that kit up until the early 1980s.