Author Topic: Unwelcome Visistors aka People who need to get off my lawn  (Read 10323 times)

Offline J.A.F.E.

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Re: Unwelcome Visistors aka People who need to get off my lawn
« Reply #15 on: May 12, 2020, 04:00:05 PM »
seriously, would any of us pick a contractor based on  cold sales call?  I might get a call (used to anyway when I had a land line) about windows or siding. But a cold at your door sales call, screw that.

I do just about everything here anyway and I figure most of us are probably the same. But something I needed to hire out pretty much the last choice would be some poser dressed up in work clothes knocking at my door.

My grandfather and his wife (second wife not my grandmother) were in their 90's when some clowns knocked on the door claiming they were there to fix the roof and literally stormed their way in. Long story but they were just common thieves one of them went to the bank with my GF's wife while the others stayed at the house with my GF. Making themselves at home all the while. They got taken to the tune of about 3k so not the end of their life savings but a lot of money to them plus whatever trinkets and souvenirs the ones that stayed at home with my GF decided they deserved for their hard work.
People who confuse etymology and entomology bug me in ways I can’t put into words.

Offline Lookin4_67GalaxieConv

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Re: Unwelcome Visistors aka People who need to get off my lawn
« Reply #16 on: May 12, 2020, 04:31:35 PM »
With telemarketers calling, as soon as I get wind of it, I hang up immediately.  I really resent people coming to my house uninvited.  If I didn't invite you, don't think you can feel free to stop by.  I don't want to hear your sales pitch.  If you have materials you want to leave me, fine, but that's all you're getting from me.

Offline fatfillup

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Re: Unwelcome Visistors aka People who need to get off my lawn
« Reply #17 on: May 12, 2020, 04:34:52 PM »
seriously, would any of us pick a contractor based on  cold sales call?  I might get a call (used to anyway when I had a land line) about windows or siding. But a cold at your door sales call, screw that.

A lot of cons involve letting the mark think he is getting an exceptional deal, or getting over on the company a bit, so once that greed kicks in on the mark, he is vulnerable and would do things logical people wouldn't.

Lookin4, I am with you, I don't want unannounced guests at my house, and that goes for family and best friends.  Let me know you are coming and I am good.  As to unannounced salespeople, thank you, NO.

I never go to someone's house unannounced, I call first.

Offline J.A.F.E.

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Re: Unwelcome Visistors aka People who need to get off my lawn
« Reply #18 on: May 12, 2020, 06:54:05 PM »

A lot of cons involve letting the mark think he is getting an exceptional deal, or getting over on the company a bit, so once that greed kicks in on the mark, he is vulnerable and would do things logical people wouldn't.


I have heard that's why spam often works the poor English and awkward writing make the person they are scamming thinks they are smarter than the spammer and can get one over.


I never go to someone's house unannounced, I call first.

I have a couple close friends who are always welcome expected or not. But I am like you even though those same friends would be (unbelievably) happy to see me show up on their doorstep I would always call first.
People who confuse etymology and entomology bug me in ways I can’t put into words.

Offline pep

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Re: Unwelcome Visistors aka People who need to get off my lawn
« Reply #19 on: May 12, 2020, 09:35:58 PM »

A lot of cons involve letting the mark think he is getting an exceptional deal, or getting over on the company a bit, so once that greed kicks in on the mark, he is vulnerable and would do things logical people wouldn't.


 That only works on dumb people..

I have heard that's why spam often works the poor English and awkward writing make the person they are scamming thinks they are smarter than the spammer and can get one over.

Can't understand how not being able to understand someone, or read what they are writing.

Would make that person a candidate for me to do business with. I pull no punches on that, my line in the sand.

1776 ................... what happened!

Offline coolmercury

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Re: Unwelcome Visistors aka People who need to get off my lawn
« Reply #20 on: May 13, 2020, 09:38:59 AM »
Nobody comes to our place, we have a gate and a sign that says "no entry on this property without written permission."  The house is a mile from the hard road.

Many years ago when I was a pilot in the Air Force I was off on TDY somewhere.  The Mormons kept coming to the mobile home we lived in to talk to my wife.  I had bought her a revolver and the third time they came around she went to the door with the revolver in hand and told them she was not interested.  They never came back!

Offline fatfillup

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Re: Unwelcome Visistors aka People who need to get off my lawn
« Reply #21 on: May 13, 2020, 09:43:25 AM »

Can't understand how not being able to understand someone, or read what they are writing.

Would make that person a candidate for me to do business with. I pull no punches on that, my line in the sand.


I do business most everyday with folks who are hard to understand, but I am selling to them :))

Lots of Hispanic business owners and workers do pressure washing and buy tools

Offline GNAP

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Re: Unwelcome Visistors aka People who need to get off my lawn
« Reply #22 on: May 13, 2020, 10:30:09 AM »
I’m just a bastard, not only do I NOT want strangers in or around my house, except the daughter and the grandkids, I don’t want my or my wife’s family in or around my house. I have zero patience and apparently have extremely high regards for my property and my privacy.

I have no problem, with peoples beliefs or their preferred religion, but I don’t want to know your beliefs, keep it to yourself. I have my beliefs, and that’s exactly what they are “My Beliefs”, I sure as hell, not going to tell you mine, because I have have absolutely no interest, in listening to yours.

A quick story, I was butchering a deer in the garage and a either a group of Mormans or Jehovahs Witnesses (not sure, didn’t ask) showed up, I met them at the side garage door covered in blood, holding a bloody towel and a butcher knife, as they were about to spout their spiel, I said, “right now I’m in the middle of a ritual sacrifice, if they could come back later, it would be greatly appreciated”, they left without a word and never returned.
« Last Edit: May 13, 2020, 10:33:43 AM by GNAP »

Offline highland512

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Re: Unwelcome Visistors aka People who need to get off my lawn
« Reply #23 on: May 13, 2020, 11:31:42 AM »

A quick story, I was butchering a deer in the garage and a either a group of Mormans or Jehovahs Witnesses (not sure, didn’t ask) showed up, I met them at the side garage door covered in blood, holding a bloody towel and a butcher knife, as they were about to spout their spiel, I said, “right now I’m in the middle of a ritual sacrifice, if they could come back later, it would be greatly appreciated”, they left without a word and never returned.

 :)) :bravo_2: :hee20hee20hee:

Offline walrus

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Re: Unwelcome Visistors aka People who need to get off my lawn
« Reply #24 on: May 13, 2020, 05:08:02 PM »
I’m just a bastard,

Pretty sure that common knowledge around here  :P :)

Offline Rural53

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Re: Unwelcome Visistors aka People who need to get off my lawn
« Reply #25 on: May 14, 2020, 02:05:12 AM »

A quick story, I was butchering a deer in the garage and a either a group of Mormans or Jehovahs Witnesses (not sure, didn’t ask) showed up, I met them at the side garage door covered in blood, holding a bloody towel and a butcher knife, as they were about to spout their spiel, I said, “right now I’m in the middle of a ritual sacrifice, if they could come back later, it would be greatly appreciated”, they left without a word and never returned.

 :)) :bravo_2: :hee20hee20hee:

Love it   :08:

On a Saturday afternoon, when I was a teenager, I was mucking around on a Saturday afternoon getting our hiab truck ready to go and pick up a vintage tractor while Dad was washing his Mercedes tip truck (Soap/broom/waterblast). He had it pulled up almost at the road gate. We watched a couple of young Jehovahs Witnesses pull up and park on the grass outside our house. They got out and started knocking on doors across the road. We lived on a loop road in the country with five houses across the road and two farms and our house on our side of the road. They didn't have much luck across the road, saw us and started towards us. As they crossed the road Dad stopped and told them we weren't interested. As they stepped through the gate Dad continued the sweep of the waterblaster passed the truck cab and washed the two trespassers. They just stopped with their mouths open. At this point our fox terrier, who had been entertaining herself out of sight down the driveway beside the truck shed realised something was going on and started barking, sounding like something much much bigger. I have never seen two wet young guys run so fast in my life. Dad just commented "I told them we weren't interested". That afternoon we went and picked up a Farmall B in fairly good condition.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2020, 02:42:33 AM by Rural53 »

Offline highland512

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Re: Unwelcome Visistors aka People who need to get off my lawn
« Reply #26 on: May 14, 2020, 07:44:09 AM »
I will never forget the time two JW knocked on the door on CHRISTMAS EVE while the family was gathering. My grandfather, dad, and uncles might have chased them out of the county. I had never seen my granddad that mad, he was always very easy going and calm but that night, wow, those JW's poked the bear.

Offline ken w.

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Re: Unwelcome Visistors aka People who need to get off my lawn
« Reply #27 on: May 14, 2020, 08:56:20 AM »
I saw a video clip where a couple Mormon's stopped at this house. He asked them if they were  the threesome he ordered. The look on their faces was priceless. 

Offline J.A.F.E.

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Re: Unwelcome Visistors aka People who need to get off my lawn
« Reply #28 on: May 14, 2020, 11:45:54 AM »
The previous owners of the house were involved with some group like that. Guys who could be JWs or similar were coming around asking for sister Previous Owner or brother Previous Owner. I was nice the first time explaining I didn't know where they went or how to get ahold of them, which I don't. I wasn't quite as nice the second time especially once they started walking up the driveway headed for the garage.

At least I haven't seen them since.
People who confuse etymology and entomology bug me in ways I can’t put into words.

Offline Rural53

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Re: Unwelcome Visistors aka People who need to get off my lawn
« Reply #29 on: May 14, 2020, 07:28:41 PM »
I had a knock at the door at dinner time a couple of summers ago. It was not long after the new Labour/Greens coalition government had got in and they were talking about stopping issuing any more oil exploration permits. It was a Greenpeace minion trying to get signatures for a partition supporting this. Because I was bought up to be polite I listened to him and asked a few questions. His answers seemed very much to be memorised "Stock answer to Question #23" type answers. After a couple of these I decided I didn't really need to engage with him and my dinner was getting cold so I told him "Actually I can't be arsed arguing with you. You might get a better reception from the new age hippy next door. F*&k off" and shut the door in his face. Now Mark, my neighbour, does in fact look like a bit of a new age, shaved head and earrings. I really did set the poor little minion up because Mark had got home the previous night from his two week stint working on the drilling floor of the offshore exploration rig over in the Maui field in Taranaki. I could hear his response to the minion's invitation to sign the partition from my place. Yes, I am evil sometimes  :character0029: