The Dems at it again

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Uncle Buck:
The handwriting is on the wall and the game almost over with the Dems smear campaign against Kavanaugh just about done with Ford this week. The Dems know there is not enough there to stop the seating of Kavanaugh so now they have switched to a plan B to take Kavanaugh down by trotting out not one, but two more (I am quite sure) unsubstantiated claims like Fords against Kavanaugh to continue the charade. (Anyone with a brain knows they only have to keep it up until the mid terms when the Republicans will probably no longer have enough of a majority to seat Kavanaugh)

The really sick part is of course the media will do their part, and pump these lies up too. This is just such a joke. I wish the Republicans had just told Ford to go fuck herself and seated Kavanaugh. There will be no end to this ongoing game and the Republicans do not have the sand to draw a line and get Kavanaugh voted in and seated thanks to the Republicans in name only like Jeff Flake and the other two.

I wish the Republicans were as gifted as the Democrats at being crooked and slimy in their politics. I have no illusion the Republicans can be crooked politicians too, but by comparison I think Republicans are novices at being crooks compared to the Democrats.

Just watching this sham is really disgusting me at this point. I really hate the left I will admit. They never surprise me with just how low the left will go.   

Yeah, I read about the second one this morning.  She admits to have been drinking and memory was fuzzy so hopefully they won't take her seriously.

The entire political drama in DC is a sham. Kavanaugh is just the tip of the iceberg. That said, I'm really glad this crap is going on. It clearly shows that the Democrats have absolutely no agenda or ideas other than hating Trump and resisting Trump's administration.

I live in a very liberal part of Virginia, and what's increasingly interesting to me is that many of my liberal friends are now absolutely disgusted with their own party. In fact some of them are switching to Independent or Republican affiliation because they can't identify with the new Bernie Sanders "Democratic Socialist" driven agenda of their former party. These people were "true blue" FDR and JFK Democrats, and even though they held their noses and voted for Hillary, the new "Bernie Party" ideals and the Hollywood driven "Resist" movement have driven these people from their party. It's no longer a political party that the "white middle class" feels secure in. In fact, in seems like the white middle class isn't even wanted in the party anymore.

I'm not surprised one bit at what's happening in DC. The Dems are unhinged and proud to show it, and the Reps are spineless. About the only thing the two parties agree on is spend, spend, spend.

Every time I vote for someone who claims to be conservative they just turn around and get swallowed up by the swamp. Local, state, federal - it makes little difference. But Trump seems to be moving in a good direction. I don't like everything he's done but by and large I support what he has done.

The Kavanaugh fiasco shows how important this battle is. The Left wouldn't be going all out like this unless the appointment was key. As they say, "If you're not catching flak then you're not over the target!". I'm hopeful the RINO's will be able to get this man confirmed, and I'm semi-hopeful the midterms will keep the Dems out of the majority. A one-two punch like that will really get the Left crying.  And I could use some good news. ;D

Uncle Buck:
There is always the possibility that this smear job the Dems have put on Kavanaugh has stirred the ire of enough Republicans to actually motivate the R's to turnout strong for midterms and hopefully keep the Dems beat down so they remain in the minority. That is my greatest hope.

We will see. It is always the moderates that do such damage to the Republicans though. Name only folks you know.


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