heidi makes a mistake

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i don't know if this has made national news or not. heidi ran a full page in many of the states major newspapers recently. it was an ad supposedly signed by many survivors of abuse and how they supported her and her stands on kavanaugh and others. turns out many people on the  list did not give their permission to use their names and some of them are not even victims of abuse. no word yet on how many names may just have been  made up.

rumor has that there may be some sort of legal action by those named. can't say as i blame them.

heid was behind in many polls already. it appears this is one seat the dems will not be getting back.

I saw this story and had to laugh. I do feel sorry for the people she listed without their permission or any truth to the matter. She was just jumping on the liberal bandwagon but missed and fell face first into the pavement.

somebody from the campaign staff has been fired and she has issued a public apology but even here supporters say this is bad.

the diehards are trying to say/spin that some  of the people signed a release and the letter is real even if the names are not.

Yeah, but doxiing conservatives and politicians home addresses goes without any retribution?

Kristen Sinema keeps having her mistakes of the past being uncovered and broadcast - yet she'll probably be elected anyway. Too many stupid liberal voters. You can't fix stupid.

Uncle Buck:

--- Quote from: skfarmer on October 17, 2018, 01:57:45 PM ---somebody from the campaign staff has been fired and she has issued a public apology but even here supporters say this is bad.

the diehards are trying to say/spin that some  of the people signed a release and the letter is real even if the names are not.

--- End quote ---

Figures tossed some poor fingerling fish under the bus to take the rap for her boneheaded stunt!


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