Seattle is dying

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This is a great documentary well worth 55 mins of your time.
Grab a beverage get comfortable and watch.
The real cost of libutard heaven.

Portland OR is in the same boat -- and East LA is even worse.

Sorry to say the degradation is most everywhere and accelerating. When I read about people crapping on the streets in SF I knew it was beyond bad.

Thanks for posting that jabber. That is the first truthful no-holds barred reporting on the subject I have seen. Reno has much the same problems but on a smaller scale. We don't have those problems in our county due to very fine police work and county commissioners who won't let that happen. I know we have homeless people here but they are not visible. Part of the problem is the housing situation. People come here for good jobs and then can't find a place to rent except for a motel. The biggest RV park is full year around where as it used to be snowbirds mainly.

Frankly the problems like Seattle rest with the liberals in charge who think throwing money at the problem will solve it. It actually creates more of a problem as word gets out and those addicts will flock to that place for the freebies.

That video was pretty shocking. You think the camps are here and there and just a few then you see whole areas covered. Yikes!

I hate to break it to them but they're wrong on the causes. It's not a housing problem, it's not a drug problem, and it's not a disease that needs medication. It's a spiritual problem!
At it's base it's a disconnect between people and God. If that relationship ain't right, everything else is off-kilter. If that connection is right then everything else will come into alignment. What do we expect? When we teach people that they developed from blobs of goo that crawled up out of the ocean, that they're not special, that life is meaningless, that anything goes, that there's no right and wrong, do what you want, there are no consequences for anything, then people start doing all the lunatic stuff that they're doing.
Babies aren't human, so we can abort them whenever it's convenient - even after they're born. Why get married and have children and put up with all that when we can just sleep around and bail when it gets hard or boring. Stealing ain't wrong - if you've got something I want and I'm stronger then I'll beat you up for it. Drugs make you feel good, it's my body - my choice, I can do what I want. And if I end up in a doorway homeless, well, homelessness isn't a crime and - if I need to relieve myself - well then I will. All of these are symptoms of a lost soul.

We shouldn't be feeding their drug habit with free needles. I grew up in the 70's drug culture, and I know all about the "wonderful" effects of drugs. I've lost friends and co-workers to stupidity and drunk driving, one guy being in a wreck so bad he had to have a closed casket funeral because his body was like hamburger. Drugs KILL! We need to detox these people, and get them into recovery where they learn that God loves them, that they're special and unique, and that God has a plan for their lives that is not living in the gutter.
OK, if people are so bad they need some medications to help stabilize them for a time then so be it. But it shouldn't be a endless situation. That's merely switching their addiction from one chemical to another. They're still dependent on a drug! Renovation from the inside out is the only way to permanently change lives.


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