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General Category => POLITICS (IF YOU DO NOT LIKE POLITICS, THEN DON'T GO IN HERE! => Topic started by: bonneyman on September 04, 2019, 07:18:24 PM

Title: Trade war with China: What do you think?
Post by: bonneyman on September 04, 2019, 07:18:24 PM
I have read so many varying opinions on the goal/direction/consequences of the on-going trade war with China that I'm getting a little lost. I'm no economist, just an average working Joe. I just don't know what to believe anymore.

What do you guys think? Is it gonna be good for the U.S., or a disaster?
Title: Re: Trade war with China: What do you think?
Post by: ken w. on September 04, 2019, 08:30:23 PM
Screw China. It's good for our country.
Title: Re: Trade war with China: What do you think?
Post by: slip knot on September 04, 2019, 09:06:45 PM
Short term it will be bad, not as bad as the anti-Trump media makes it out to be tho. Long term I think it will be beneficial to our country if we don't elect a President that sells us back down the river again. The globalist have been screwing this country for 50years
Title: Re: Trade war with China: What do you think?
Post by: bonneyman on September 04, 2019, 09:35:18 PM
At first I thought it would be good getting off of our addiction to China. Plus them stealing our intellectual property, and being a communist country all that wealth is going to be used nefariously.
But then I thought any jobs China loses probably won't get resettled here anyways. Who wants to do manufacturing jobs? Most young people just want to be Youtube stars.

I'm kinda glad I've stocked up on old fashioned, quality American tools and supplies. Any disruption due to Chinese intransigence won't affect me (and us guys!) as much as many others. It might take some time to get the supply lines up and running somewhere else but in the long run I tend to think it'd be a good thing. Sorry I can't guess how "long" that will be though.
Title: Re: Trade war with China: What do you think?
Post by: Uncle Buck on September 04, 2019, 10:04:59 PM
Short term it will be bad, not as bad as the anti-Trump media makes it out to be tho. Long term I think it will be beneficial to our country if we don't elect a President that sells us back down the river again. The globalist have been screwing this country for 50years

This is what I think too.
Title: Re: Trade war with China: What do you think?
Post by: walrus on September 05, 2019, 02:44:04 PM
Short term it will be bad, not as bad as the anti-Trump media makes it out to be tho. Long term I think it will be beneficial to our country if we don't elect a President that sells us back down the river again. The globalist have been screwing this country for 50years
Why is it going to be beneficial? Is the US going to manufacture again, bring jobs back???
Title: Re: Trade war with China: What do you think?
Post by: bonneyman on September 05, 2019, 04:15:34 PM
Short term it will be bad, not as bad as the anti-Trump media makes it out to be tho. Long term I think it will be beneficial to our country if we don't elect a President that sells us back down the river again. The globalist have been screwing this country for 50years
Why is it going to be beneficial? Is the US going to manufacture again, bring jobs back???

Honestly, I'm not sure.
To bring manufacturing back to the states would require renovating old factories or building new ones. Employing people - with all of the associated costs - would probably be too expensive. So, I think any company that came back here would go fully automated. Or as automated as possible. New people jobs would be minimal. Specialty jobs by craftsman will always be in demand, but for the vast majority of American workers, that isn't their present desires.

But I think getting away from China is strategically the right thing to do. The communist government wants to destroy us on their way to world domination. Why should we pay and arm the very people who want to kill us?
Title: Re: Trade war with China: What do you think?
Post by: slip knot on September 05, 2019, 05:44:40 PM
I don't believe we should be so dependent on China for our electronics. Our national defense relies a lot on Chinese sourced electronics, so in my mind we don't have much national security.

I think the outsourcing of jobs/work/business is a big cause in some of our countries current social problems. The service economy can only support so many decent paying jobs and once they're taken, you work for peanuts. The past couple of generations have seen the job markets/opportunities get worse. That college education that was pushed on them wont get them the jobs/salaries they need to survive in this country. The only people that the outsourcing benefited was big business. That's why I don't understand why the Democrats haven't got on board with the tarrifs. it should be a benefit to the American worker. I guess the anti-Trump mania has blinded them to anything else.
Title: Re: Trade war with China: What do you think?
Post by: bonneyman on September 05, 2019, 06:20:50 PM
...I guess the anti-Trump mania has blinded them to anything else.

Yep, that's exactly it.
Title: Re: Trade war with China: What do you think?
Post by: DeadNutz on September 05, 2019, 11:44:25 PM
If only some past presidents had pushed for the tariffs it wouldn't be so hard to do now. Trump has stood up to countries other presidents ignored or encouraged and gets constantly slammed over it.
Title: Re: Trade war with China: What do you think?
Post by: fatfillup on September 06, 2019, 07:38:18 AM
The US has for too long allowed other countries to take advantage of us trade wise.  Previous presidents and congress have not looked out for our best interests. 

Whether the trade wars will be good or bad long term remains to be seen.  If we commit, we need to commit fully and be prepared for the short term hurt because it will be there.  China seems willing to wait us out as it really doesn't have to answer to its people.  The US on the other hand will have plenty of folks screaming about the pain and many leaders will be ready to cave in quickly.

I fully agree that we should not rely on Chinese electronics for our defense systems, that really should be domestic.

Trade war could well be an opportunity for other 3rd world countries that could ramp up manufacturing.  That would put the squeeze on China but certainly won't be quick.  I read where Vietnam has no excess manufacturing capacity because so much production has been moved there.  Africa may well be where more manufacturing is shifted but outsiders won't invest unless a given country has a stable government and they are hard to find on that continent.

Our short term hope for jobs shifting back here is likely for smaller firms that can ramp up quickly, don't know if that is doable.

I personally hope we hold all unfair trade partners feet to the fire to get a fair shake, but I am in a position  where my pain won't be bad.  If it would cripple my finances, I would likely see things differently
Title: Re: Trade war with China: What do you think?
Post by: Jamesyarbrough on September 06, 2019, 08:43:00 AM
I think we should nuke china and be done with it. But im an ignorent redneck so...
Title: Re: Trade war with China: What do you think?
Post by: bonneyman on September 06, 2019, 09:30:55 AM
... If we commit, we need to commit fully and be prepared for the short term hurt because it will be there.  China seems willing to wait us out as it really doesn't have to answer to its people.  The US on the other hand will have plenty of folks screaming about the pain and many leaders will be ready to cave in quickly....

I agree but think the country is too polarized to be able to pull together, as the Left has framed everything that that they don't agree with as trumps fault, and so basically half the country is against it. Hard to make any head way when people are pulling in opposite directions.
Title: Re: Trade war with China: What do you think?
Post by: bonneyman on September 06, 2019, 09:38:11 AM
I think we should nuke china and be done with it. But im an ignorent redneck so...

It used to be the threat of annihilation was a deterrent, but I think the communist Chinese government doesn't give a rip about their people. The whole country could get decimated and those tyrants at the top would still be sitting pretty.
Title: Re: Trade war with China: What do you think?
Post by: goodfellow on September 06, 2019, 10:22:43 AM
Don't underestimate the Chinese Communist Party. If they feel that they are losing a grip on power, they will readily warmonger to create chaos and panic in the Pacific and possibly start WWIII. Communists have always used war as a way to take control and propagandize their phony leadership.
Title: Re: Trade war with China: What do you think?
Post by: pep on September 06, 2019, 05:56:59 PM
We will win with Trump as the leader. I read they are asking to come back for more talks . First sign of weakness, remember we are their biggest customer, lots of cheap folks living in the US of A

Title: Re: Trade war with China: What do you think?
Post by: TexasT on October 31, 2019, 06:24:12 PM
As above, the lax trade policies make it hard to bust their nuts on the tariffs. But if they are tariffing our exports to them we should as an equal trading partner be doing the same. I know the fair is a place where we show livestock but I am glad the guy I voted for is doing the tariff thing no matter how much it hurts. I'm prepared to stop buying if need be. And with our current economic policies, procuring the money to build renovate or whatever factories to produce whatever shouldn't be hard to come up with.

China has their own economic problems. They have built cities and infrastructure that is not even being used. Bridges over a river that isn't even there yet. Commercial and industrial buildings that are empty and housing that has never been occupied. This is fact and it is financed with the retirement savings of their working class. They have a bubble of proportions that thy have never had to deal with so they have their own economic probs to worry about. And now with Hong Kong on the up rise the communist Chinese have a hand full of problems on the equal or even more of Tienanmen square debacle and with the internet these events are becoming harder to hide from the rest of the world.

The Europeans also have there own prob to worry about. The euro, brexit and the Greece failure are big problems and more on the horizon. Germany has been strengthening their military but we would too if we bordered on what they do.

Russia keeps their affairs on the down low. Though they and the Chinese seem to be stock piling gold. This could be a problem if they launch a crypto currency back in gold. This would get our govt on the stick with their own crypto and the launch of the libre on fb could throw a wrench into many other currencies.

It is a brave new world out there. I try to let my children know but they aren't listening and i fear that too. The millennial population will surpass the number of baby boomers this year or next, so the 80 million of them can sway an election or two . I fear they weren't taught the perils of socialism and communism and seem to be followers instead of at least thinking things through.

sorry to ramble. I kinda got off track but it is a world economy and I think if they tariff us, we NEED to tariff them just as hard or at least negotiate on why they think it is a free ride over here but not the other way around. Free market works both ways.
Title: Re: Trade war with China: What do you think?
Post by: jabberwoki on October 31, 2019, 06:32:54 PM
Title: Re: Trade war with China: What do you think?
Post by: goodfellow on October 31, 2019, 06:51:04 PM
The squeeze on the Chinese is coming from two sides. Remember, the Trump administration has also put tariffs on the Europeans. For years, the Europeans were able to import cheap Chinese components to build into their finished products (automobiles, industrial electronics and control systems, etc.) Now that the tariffs are in place, they don't sell as much of that equipment in the US anymore; hence the Chinese are also taking a financial beating from the Euro- supply chains.

In my personal opinion, Pres. Trump "hired" the smartest and most "cut throat" investor on Wall Street to implement his China vision; Wilbur Ross! Mr. Ross comes across as mild mannered, calm, collected, and benign; when in actuality he is truly a corporate "killer" of the first order. I'm very glad he's on our side and is a patriot.
Title: Re: Trade war with China: What do you think?
Post by: bonneyman on October 31, 2019, 07:13:46 PM
From the latest analysis that I've read the Chinese are playing run out the clock, hoping Trump is either impeached or voted out. Then they'll have a nice cozy Dem to deal with. So they're playing nice and keeping the dialogue going but they really have no intention of changing anything.
I'd say it's way past time to start stocking - as they used to say - beans, bacon, and ammo. ;D
Title: Re: Trade war with China: What do you think?
Post by: highland512 on November 01, 2019, 08:05:10 AM
Everyone one wants to bash the millennial's but I think its a different problem, Its a rural v urban problem. I am a millennial and all of my millennial friends are very conservative but we are all also rural residents and raised in the country. With more and more people living and raising kids in urban and suburban areas you create more and more city voters. Look at any county by county voting results map and you will see a spread of red county's with some blue dots where the city's are. 

Trump didnt win the way he won by not getting young voters, he won by talking to everyone out side of city's and metro areas.