Now thats a board. all 64K of it


slip knot:
My late FIL was a pioneer in the computer automation at some of the local petrochems. I found a treasure while cleaning out some boxes. the board measure @12in X20in. really old school computing

Memory ready for a laptop or maybe OBC . Cool to see that old stuff, but sure do like where it has come today.

 I remember in El Segundo, early 70s seeing a 100 mb hard drive. Was the size of a washing machine, the platter circumference about the size of the tub. Was in a Xerox lab just up the street from Hughes Aircraft. Quick fact, the MAC desktop was developed by Xerox, not what's his face.


I remember back in the early 90's drooling over a 1mb hard drive and agonizing over buying 8mb of memory for $20 per MB. Todays systems were beyond the imagination back then.


--- Quote from: pep on April 09, 2019, 10:00:23 PM ---Memory ready for a laptop or maybe OBC . Cool to see that old stuff, but sure do like where it has come today.

 I remember in El Segundo, early 70s seeing a 100 mb hard drive. Was the size of a washing machine, the platter circumference about the size of the tub. Was in a Xerox lab just up the street from Hughes Aircraft. Quick fact, the MAC desktop was developed by Xerox, not what's his face.


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Xerox PARC invented many of the technologies that power today's Internet and desktop computing. Unfortunately, the "suits" in Rochester never realized the potential. Thinking "outside the box" was not their strong point. Had they capitalized on their inventions, Xerox would be the most powerful (and valuable) company in the world today. 


--- Quote from: pep on April 09, 2019, 10:00:23 PM ---[snip] Quick fact, the MAC desktop was developed by Xerox, not what's his face.


--- End quote ---

The whole GUI was developed by Xerox in what they called X-Windows or X11 and apple lured the development team away.

But in fairness Xerox kind of built on what MIT had started to develop in the first place I believe. I just like to pick on the Cupertino based company and see them as the villain.


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