Author Topic: Post up your Bonney tools!  (Read 30649 times)

Offline wantedabiggergarage

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Re: Post up your Bonney tools!
« Reply #90 on: November 19, 2022, 09:24:29 AM »
I remember when I bought my set, from HJE.  I think they were $100, and I figured, it was more of a collector piece then a use piece, and they were only going to be going up in price.  Then there is a part of  me that wanted them to compare with other flare nut wrenches I have used, or would like to try (still want to try Williams and Wright just no real project time).  Started out with a closeout Kobalt JH Williams set, that gets mistaken for Snapon, then built my Snapon set for around $8 a wrench on Ebay years ago.  Looked on Ebay due to this thread, and couldn't believe what they were asking for them now.

I find it amazing what all people collect.  I am around autographs and a bunch of sports crap all day (my view), and was so happy to see things like a golden glove quit sitting around being a dust catcher, yet those wrenches, which may actually get used on a friends project soon, I have no issues with sitting around being dust catchers.  Sometimes I think there are a lot of things I should sell and put that towards other stuff.

Offline bonneyman

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Re: Post up your Bonney tools!
« Reply #91 on: November 19, 2022, 06:46:29 PM »
You can't go wrong with buying Bonney tools. I still keep an eye out for the few pieces I'm missing, but - since I've been looking for them since 2006 - they're probably not going to pop up. I still grab whatever I find though.

Not that I would sell mine, but they do appreciate in value. They're great users, and after I'm gone I'm sure the Mrs. will be able to sell them easily enough. Can't say the same about my Avon bottles!