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Was it just me or was the forum down for about a month ?


hickory n Steel:
Obviously there's some changes, so I'm Assuming the forum was actually down for a whole month.

Not that I've been doing much except working on the old lawnmower that struggles a bit, and working on a cheap Lowe's reel mower I picked up for $20.
I could've used some info a couple times regarding the mowers, but got that figured out.

This is actually a completely new forum. The old one is down and out.

See Rusty's post here

hickory n Steel:
I kind of figured that out, but wasn't positive.
That completely explains why my account was gone but I was able to start over with the same information.

I guess now I have a chance to start over and not make the same mistakes I made the first time around.
I sure rubbed some people the wrong way, but feel I've learned and plan not to do that again.

No harm done.   :D


Your good.

Think of the New GG  as a do-over.


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