Garage Gazette

TOOLS AND THE SHOP => GENERAL TOOL AND MACHINE DISCUSSION => Topic started by: J.A.F.E. on July 18, 2020, 07:09:52 PM

Title: AC Line Probe
Post by: J.A.F.E. on July 18, 2020, 07:09:52 PM
I picked this little gem up some years ago. Sure I cam used to sicking the probes into the socket and it works, this is just a little easier and cleaner.

The probe plugs directly into a Fluke meter or any other that uses the same style jacks and spacing, which seems to be most of the DVMs I stumble on.

Plug it into the meter and you can switch between all three combinations - L to N, L to G and N to G. At one time I had a recording voltmeter and this was very handy with that but alas no more recording meter. It would be easy enough to make one nd not very expensive so that is an option as well.

ONEAC is still around but I have no idea if they still make this item.