A great deal on pocket prybars at

<< < (3/3)

Snap-on are on perpetual backorder. Lang has a set now, so does Mayhew.


--- Quote from: chadster1 on December 06, 2022, 11:05:34 AM ---It will ship today.  Thank you for your order.

--- End quote ---
I received my order on Saturday! Thank you.

I just placed a new order for more pry bars.

I find they are great to give technicians who come to the house to service appliances, security systems, ....

The ADT tech was very appreciative.

Tomorrow, a Maytag repair tech. has one coming if the washer gets repaired.  :great:

Oh, I forgot to mention the gift: a Pocket Partner Fixed Blade Screwdriver with magnet, that was included in the last order.

Thank you!  :c029:

hickory n Steel:
I got one of these in my GGSS package from SK this year and overall the quality is pretty decent.
I wouldn't have purchased one, but it is a decent little tool.
The only major flaw is the clip, excusable for the price but still not a very good clip either way because it's flimsy and not attached that well.

I went ahead and popped the clip off then made a better one that I attached with screws.

I took apart this crappy little novelty liner lock knife I had laying around for the screws and the little threaded spacers.
Pressed the spacers into undersized holes I drilled, and screwed on the little clip I took from a dried up pilot precise v5 pen and modified it.

I did this mostly as a trial before I go through with the modification on one of the 4 Mayhew mini pry bars I ordered.


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