Author Topic: Have you been vaccinated?  (Read 39962 times)

Offline fatfillup

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Re: Have you been vaccinated?
« Reply #120 on: August 16, 2021, 10:34:51 AM »
I wish my wife woukd get it.  She has had many people she respects tell her to get it, but hangs on to the belief its iffy.

Sorry, but I am tired of the virus and the vaccine is the answer.  Without it we may haves years of this crap of up and down numbers, mutations and constant bickering between pro vacs and anti vaxxers.  Not to mention folks dying

Your wife may have some legitimate concerns Phil. The way the government scrubs and presents the data about possible COVID side effects is worrying.

I watched the link.  Fellow has some really good points, especially if it is true that folks have not be autopsied after dying within weeks of getting the shot.  BUT, he really made me question his bias when he said face masks do nothing.  While I know they aren't perfect and need to be worn correctly and the virus can pass through them, I have a real hard  time believing that they don't at least limit the distance the virus can travel going through a mask verses an unmasked person.

He seemed to be talking about the RMA vaccines, Pfizer and Moderna, which I have heard questioned from another source.  That is why I went J&J which I believe is a more traditional vaccine. 

Another thing I have a problem with is folks saying the media is complicit with the government on withholding info.  Yes I know a good chunk of the media is quite left leaning, but there is Fox news and talk radio that if they had concrete evidence about the vaccine being dangerous, or other shennangings going on, there ratings would soar and I haven't seen or heard it. 

People are getting quite sick, and dying from the Delta strand and the vaccine would certainly help stem that tide. 

Offline jabberwoki

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Re: Have you been vaccinated?
« Reply #121 on: August 16, 2021, 07:33:16 PM »
That's well said SK.
Is the need enough? Or does the want suffice?

Offline pep

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Re: Have you been vaccinated?
« Reply #122 on: August 27, 2021, 08:24:20 AM »
 So you're easily bought, sorry to read that frankly.

That's exactly how we are where we are in this society. Hands out for a pay off, never mind the consequences   :-\

If someone offers me 250 for a booster I am on it like flies on shit.

To each his own of course but it is much a do about nothing.
1776 ................... what happened!

Offline skfarmer

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Re: Have you been vaccinated?
« Reply #123 on: August 27, 2021, 12:38:47 PM »
So you're easily bought, sorry to read that frankly.

That's exactly how we are where we are in this society. Hands out for a pay off, never mind the consequences   :-\

If someone offers me 250 for a booster I am on it like flies on shit.

To each his own of course but it is much a do about nothing.

oh that is bullshit and you know it. it has nothing to do with me being bought and i take offense to your suggestion of it. you do not get to make this personal with me.  i have not and will not be bought. my point was that i had no issue with taking the shots first time around  and will take the booster  whether they pay me or not.  if  they are willing to pay me i am foolish not to take it.

i took the shot to protect my invalid mother, my immune compromised wife,  my fellow ems and firemen and the people in my area who depend on our services.

i could give a fuck whether you take a shot or not but   call me a sellout again and you will be looking for a new place to post.
« Last Edit: August 27, 2021, 01:02:09 PM by skfarmer »
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i was here when the hangout turned into mexican food site!

Offline TexasT

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Re: Have you been vaccinated?
« Reply #124 on: September 01, 2021, 09:18:18 AM »
As above, I've not been vaccinated, and still dont plan to be. Long term is still unknown, so I'm not sold with all the vaccinated that still became sick. To me it is the flu, maybe a more severe strain, or not depending on who is to be believed.

That said I'm about a week on the other side of a nasty bought of diarrhea that lead to severe(their term) dehydration. I was light headed and dizzy and wasn't eating, and it was coming out.   Ended up in the er and they did ekg, and other tests(they stuck a thing up my nose darn near into my eyeball and came back with a positive for the vid). Then got hooked up on an iv to rehydrate and then a few hrs later sent home. They prescribed some nausea meds, but I wasn't nauseous so we didn't even get that filled. Got some imodium, and lots of pedialite, sugar free power ade and water. Ended up loosing about 15# but That isn't a bad thing other than the dehydration.

No instructions for the vid, so this leads me to the over blown flu from my perspective. Could it have been prevented? Maybe , maybe not, but it seems this strain affects men or males as my wife and daughters weren't affected but my son and several of my coworkers seem to have or have had the same stuff I did. 

Either way, I hope the vax types aren't affected long term with a largely untested other than on the general population vaccination. That is my main fear.

I hope all are well. I'm back to work so we will rebuild the emergency fund so we can be ready for the next hiccup.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2021, 09:21:37 AM by TexasT »

Offline jabberwoki

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Re: Have you been vaccinated?
« Reply #125 on: September 01, 2021, 07:12:14 PM »
Good to hear you ok Tex :017:
Is the need enough? Or does the want suffice?

Offline slip knot

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Re: Have you been vaccinated?
« Reply #126 on: September 01, 2021, 10:31:11 PM »
Judging from some of the comments here and other forums I frequent, The wuhan is doing exactly what it was designed to do. Create discord and distrust amongst one another. I'm seeing the vaxxed taking up the pen/sword against the unvaxxed. Never mind that the vaxxed can carry and spread the wuhan just as bad as the unvaxxed. I'm seeing the unvaxxed calling the vaxxers guinea pigs, walking lab rats etc. even though the vaxxers are doing the socially responsible thing.

Now were seeing the boosters coming, Delta, then several other variants coming down the pipe. Seems the vaxxers will be on a booster merry go round from this point onwards. doing the socially responsible thing. When/Where does it end. From 2 weeks of quarantine to endless boosters.

I'm still a "you do you and i'll do me" type but for how long? Are vaccine visas coming. Vere are your papers? will we needs to show our papers to go in the grocery store? Will the antivaxxers be allowed to starve? Will you need to show your booster card when you apply for a job? I can see an ugly future for this country.

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Re: Have you been vaccinated?
« Reply #127 on: September 02, 2021, 12:50:14 AM »
I can see an ugly future for this country.

I saw that when the Emperor with no clothes was elected in 2008.  It's just gotten worse.  They're trying to convince us less than twenty deaths of thugs every year by the police is a bigger problem than fatherless homes and degrading and violent culture.  And they have convinced one key demographic, young white women with big mouths that don't know shit.

Offline goodfellow

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Re: Have you been vaccinated?
« Reply #128 on: September 02, 2021, 06:54:32 AM »
I can see an ugly future for this country.

......... And they have convinced one key demographic, young white women with big mouths that don't know shit.

That is absolutely true in my experience. White women in general (not just the young) have been fed the idea that white men are oppressors, racists, and misogynists. They are indoctrinated into these beliefs by the media, their K-12 schools, and their colleges. The lefts wraps all that indoctrination BS into a nice pink wrapper and calls it diversity/inclusion. White women have been duped by these ideas since Bill Clinton came into office. Clinton's cabinet and political appointees were the advance guard that latched onto the 1960s/70s women's rights and abortion movement and started the ball rolling.

Offline bonneyman

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Re: Have you been vaccinated?
« Reply #129 on: September 02, 2021, 10:39:54 AM »
When/Where does it end.

Just look at Australia and New Zealand.

First they take the guns and then they come and take you. The only thing we learn from history is that we don't learn from history.

Beware of the coming false flag, gents. It's waiting in the wings, ready to be unleashed at the right moment.

Offline muddy

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Re: Have you been vaccinated?
« Reply #130 on: September 02, 2021, 06:00:00 PM »
I can see an ugly future for this country.

......... And they have convinced one key demographic, young white women with big mouths that don't know shit.

That is absolutely true in my experience. White women in general (not just the young) have been fed the idea that white men are oppressors, racists, and misogynists. They are indoctrinated into these beliefs by the media, their K-12 schools, and their colleges. The lefts wraps all that indoctrination BS into a nice pink wrapper and calls it diversity/inclusion. White women have been duped by these ideas since Bill Clinton came into office. Clinton's cabinet and political appointees were the advance guard that latched onto the 1960s/70s women's rights and abortion movement and started the ball rolling.
I see this in my Sister In law. She may not say it so bluntly. However the way she says things you can tell to here the Old White Man, or men in n general is the problem.

Sent from the twisted mind of the mudman

Offline walrus

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Re: Have you been vaccinated?
« Reply #131 on: September 02, 2021, 06:23:17 PM »
I can see an ugly future for this country.

......... And they have convinced one key demographic, young white women with big mouths that don't know shit.

That is absolutely true in my experience. White women in general (not just the young) have been fed the idea that white men are oppressors, racists, and misogynists. They are indoctrinated into these beliefs by the media, their K-12 schools, and their colleges. The lefts wraps all that indoctrination BS into a nice pink wrapper and calls it diversity/inclusion. White women have been duped by these ideas since Bill Clinton came into office. Clinton's cabinet and political appointees were the advance guard that latched onto the 1960s/70s women's rights and abortion movement and started the ball rolling.
I see this in my Sister In law. She may not say it so bluntly. However the way she says things you can tell to here the Old White Man, or men in n general is the problem.

Sent from the twisted mind of the mudman
Old white men run the world

Offline slip knot

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Re: Have you been vaccinated?
« Reply #132 on: September 02, 2021, 09:04:08 PM »
I can see an ugly future for this country.

......... And they have convinced one key demographic, young white women with big mouths that don't know shit.

That is absolutely true in my experience. White women in general (not just the young) have been fed the idea that white men are oppressors, racists, and misogynists. They are indoctrinated into these beliefs by the media, their K-12 schools, and their colleges. The lefts wraps all that indoctrination BS into a nice pink wrapper and calls it diversity/inclusion. White women have been duped by these ideas since Bill Clinton came into office. Clinton's cabinet and political appointees were the advance guard that latched onto the 1960s/70s women's rights and abortion movement and started the ball rolling.
I see this in my Sister In law. She may not say it so bluntly. However the way she says things you can tell to here the Old White Man, or men in n general is the problem.

Sent from the twisted mind of the mudman
Old white men run the world

This will never change.

Offline bonneyman

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Re: Have you been vaccinated?
« Reply #133 on: September 02, 2021, 10:06:31 PM »

However the way she says things you can tell to here the Old White Man, or men in n general is the problem.

Sent from the twisted mind of the mudman

I've heard it said that all of the problems women have are caused by men. Such as:
Premenstrual syndrome
Mental illness

I don't really understand the problem. All of the problems women cause men can be cured with earplugs.  :P

Offline fatfillup

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Re: Have you been vaccinated?
« Reply #134 on: September 03, 2021, 04:08:42 AM »
My wife has been leary of the vaccine and went to get tested for the presence of antibodies.  She has them so apparently she had covid.  Most likely I had it too I would guess. She will not be getting the shot.

Heard of a study done in Israel that compared what gave most protection from the virus.  They studied only the Pfizer shot against having had covid and having covid and the shot.  Don't know how extensive the study was.

Most effective was having had covid and having the shot

Next was having covid

Last was just the shot which of course is still quite effective.