I finally found one


hickory n Steel:
It took me 4 years but I finally found a little wrench I've been looking for.
I saw one in a YouTube video and had to have one, supposedly they're a common item that can often be found for $1 but I just could not find one because I really didn't know what to search.
I've tried many combinations of mini bicycle wrench mini 3 inch screwdriver adjustable wrench and mini advertising adjustable wrench...etc and turned up no information or listings on Ebay
All I ever found was a promo example from an electricians or something .
Recently a Google image search turned up one with a manufacturers name on it and with that I was able to find one on Ebay.

It needed some work, but I was not going to pay $35 for the other much nicer example I found listed.

The hardest part was the careful tweaking to get the jaws to line up right but I got it.

 That sure is a nice little wrench.

 Edit: The closest thing i can find is a 5" Wakefield.

hickory n Steel:

--- Quote from: ron350 on April 23, 2024, 05:15:21 PM --- That sure is a nice little wrench.

 Edit: The closest thing i can find is a 5" Wakefield.

--- End quote ---
They are cool and they are usable, but sadly the steel quality isn't that great so they're not something to really be used much

Somewhere I have a 5" mossberg bicycle wrench , and I wish this little bugger was as well made as that.


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