Author Topic: Democrats trying to steal Senate and Governor races in Florida  (Read 10281 times)

Offline bonneyman

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Re: Democrats trying to steal Senate and Governor races in Florida
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2018, 10:17:27 PM »
Oh yeah, if they can't bully their way in or buy it or shame the other side into withdrawing or cowering then they steal it.

But way too many people are onto them now. Stealing it won't be easy. Possible, but not easy. And either way it goes things will get ugly. People are so polarized now there is no logic, no middle ground, no compromise. If the Right loses they'll claim the Dems stole it and they'll revolt. Same with if Trump gets attacked. If the Left loses they'll scream votes were ignored and then they'll riot. Same if Hillary or Comey or Obama get arrested. It's very precarious times for sure.

And it's not just here. England has their culture war going on, Italy is making waves, heck even in France nationalists are starting to assert themselves strongly.

Offline slip knot

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Re: Democrats trying to steal Senate and Governor races in Florida
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2018, 10:42:45 AM »
they should be locking people up for this. Muellers witch hunt has gone on long enough. we have real voter fraud going on here and not some imaginary Russian BS. But as normal nothing will get done and the citizenry takes it in the rear.