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Muddy, The illegals manipulate our legal system to the maximum extent possible. their legal/justice system is vastly different than what we understand. Most Americans cant understand the level of poverty that these illegals are used to. That one of the reasons they are driven to come to the states. our welfare system will give them more than they could ever get back home. They will give anything, including their lives to get here. Ever wonder why its all young men coming into the states? its not the " secret armies" BS the right is pushing. its mostly due to the cultural lack of morals. A woman either has paid protection from the cartels ie: you pay to have someone brought over, or she pays with sexual favors. A lot of women never even make it to the border. They die before they get there. Look up missing women of mexico. its not reported in this country at all. Wonder why?

Living in South Texas, I've dealt with these people all my life. The illegals coming into our country now have no desire to assimilate into the American way of life. They just want to take whatever they can get. They have no thoughts of building a future here. They have very little concept of "future" They live for right now.
One of my neighbors has a shady contracting company. he has a couple camper trailers setting on his place by the river. he usually has 12-15 illegals living there, No electricity, no running water. just a place to sleep. When they first arrive they work, then after a few months the buy a junky truck. Then they buy a new truck. Then they get arrested for some type of felony and go to jail . and the cycle starts over again. Damn few aspire for better living conditions. This is very prevalent in Texas. These people are not the "Dreamers" that the politco push.

PROJECT CARS/TRUCKS / Re: 8.8 in the 85
« Last post by Elroy on Today at 09:47:03 AM »
What's Elroy's take on those over engineered spray paint cans? No wonder the can gets smaller and the price goes up...

they suck.
PROJECT CARS/TRUCKS / Re: 8.8 in the 85
« Last post by Elroy on Today at 09:46:28 AM »
  So do you convert the front?

the fronts are pending
PROJECT CARS/TRUCKS / Re: 8.8 in the 85
« Last post by Elroy on Today at 09:45:34 AM »
pick out the issue..............besides its being a found on road dead ford
I'm sure Elroy had good reason for not taping that one lol

Sent from my twisted mind of the mudman

simply dumbass brain fade. trying to beat the rain. didn't see the miss.
worse things have happened.
PROJECT CARS/TRUCKS / Re: 1970 Oldsmobile 442ish Cutlass
« Last post by Der Bugmeister on Today at 03:27:21 AM »
The hussy enjoyed strutting around in front of her stablemates...

PROJECT CARS/TRUCKS / Re: 1970 Oldsmobile 442ish Cutlass
« Last post by Der Bugmeister on Today at 03:26:29 AM »
Lately I've been feeling like the project is in the doldrums as there hasn't been a lot of visible progress.  We spent a lot of time fitting parts, taking them apart, tweaking the bracket design, mocking up again, stripping paint off parts, putting paint onto parts and so forth.  So really, there is a good amount of progress.  Got the gas tank installed, spent more money on more parts (oh my, when will it end!), rear bumper mounted and the big progress happened yesterday and today...loading the car up and hauling her off for the exhaust installation.  We spotted a couple areas where the headers are touching the frame, so those will have to be addressed before moving forward.

Oh yeah, also stitched up a seam in the headliner and painted the whole headliner black to match the new interior.  Legendary Interiors also called this door panels are ready to ship and the seat covers should be shipping late September - a few months earlier than I had expected.

Just seeing those pipes in place make me feel like things are getting accomplished!  I still have a faint hope of being able to road test the car by the end of June...might be unattainable but I'm gonna try!
PROJECT CARS/TRUCKS / Re: 8.8 in the 85
« Last post by 34_40 on Today at 02:10:21 AM »
pick out the issue......

I prefer the 5 lug look over the 4.  but that's me .   So do you convert the front?
« Last post by muddy on May 31, 2024, 11:43:49 PM »
.08 here in pa. .04 for CDL.

anything over .05 and it's all depends on evidence of impairment.

Sent from my twisted mind of the mudman
"he did something we my and that's ok" is what he says about the 15yr old murder....

A big question I have is do these immigrants have the same lack of manners and morals they do when they are here or is it because they are protected by our constitution?

Sent from my twisted mind of the mudman
PROJECT CARS/TRUCKS / Re: 8.8 in the 85
« Last post by muddy on May 31, 2024, 08:47:25 PM »
pick out the issue..............besides its being a found on road dead ford
I'm sure Elroy had good reason for not taping that one lol

Sent from my twisted mind of the mudman

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