New DUI limit

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--- Quote from: Uncle Buck on March 16, 2024, 08:15:44 AM ---I just read an article about a drive spearheaded by MADD to nationwide get states to lower DUI from current 0.8 level to 0.5. Hell, why stop there? If they succeed the next thing you know they will want to take us back to Prohibition! LOL 

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I think MADD is mostly irrelevant now so they're trying to make themselves relevant again.  I remember the early '80s and how much of a problem teenage drinking and driving was.  Fortunately that peaked and became a minor issue years ago but there's been all sorts of other issues to take it's place, like opioids and hard drugs.

slip knot:
In Texas the blood alc. limit is already 0.5 if you hold a CDL. even if your not in a commercial vehicle you still have a lower limit. I've had one for @15 yrs now and the lower limit has never been an issue to me.

I really fought getting a CDL but my employer made us all get one. I used to be able to get by with some pretty sketchy crap on a farm tagged truck, but with a CDL, now they know that I know better...


--- Quote from: fatfillup on March 19, 2024, 03:52:01 PM ---
--- Quote from: Uncle Buck on March 16, 2024, 08:15:44 AM ---
Personally,  I would rather see someone spearhead an effort to tighten up the laws that have been passed decriminilizing Marijuana. People bitch about alcohol, but they are misdirected in which one is the real devil amongst us.

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UB, I have done more then my fair share of alcohol and pot and I can assure you alcohol is far more dangerous, from driving and addiction point of view. 

On carnival operator with decades of experience said he would take a pot smoker over a drinker any day.  And I guarantee you he has hired many of both over the years.

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why do i have this vision of a long haired 80's phil rolling a doob while working the ticket stand in front of the tilt a whirl........... :)) :)) :))

That's funny Harlan, especially with the Fatman sporting a pony tail now

Uncle Buck:
Trying to imagine the Fatman smokin a big Bob Marley joint and sportin long hair or a fro. That paints quite the mental image!  :smiley_confused1:


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