Author Topic: The Dems at it again  (Read 41838 times)

Offline Uncle Buck

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Re: The Dems at it again
« Reply #15 on: September 25, 2018, 02:49:15 PM »
I think for me this seating of Kavanaugh is turning into the last straw. For a few years I have been unhappy with the Republicans inability to act as one and ever accomplish the things that I have voted for them expecting to happen. I realize that sadly this is as a result of the RINO'S being the stumbling block. Sadly, I have now reached the point that regardless the reason for their inability to accomplish anything while holding majorities none of it matters to me anymore.

I just don't see the point in wasting time voting for Republicans since they will not act as one to accomplish what they say they are going to do. Even though it will be only a small handful that torpedoes their effort that answer just no longer matters for me, none of it matters anymore. If the Republicans do not get Kavanaugh seated before the election I have decided that I am simply done voting, there will simply be no logical reason to continue voting.

I will never vote for Dems or any others either. I am just going to stop voting and write the whole process off as a wasted effort and save myself the frustration. So for me personally the outcome of this whole Kavanaugh fiasco is going to decide exactly what I do going forward. Years ago I would have voted if I was pissed, now I am going to just toss in the towel and be done with the process and write it off.
You boys better hold on cause I'm gonna have to stand on it!

Offline bonneyman

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Re: The Dems at it again
« Reply #16 on: September 25, 2018, 04:21:30 PM »
UB, you are certainly not alone in your sentiment.

Offline DeadNutz

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Re: The Dems at it again
« Reply #17 on: September 25, 2018, 05:04:24 PM »
UB, I understand your frustration. But that line of thinking as far as voting is exactly what the enemy wants. Make no mistake they are the enemy and you not voting is like two votes for them. Sometimes you just have to hold your nose and vote. Not doing so is not how I think.

Offline slip knot

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Re: The Dems at it again
« Reply #18 on: September 25, 2018, 05:33:04 PM »
Herb, I agree that the RINOs in DC deserve a kick in the nuts I'm not yet willing to forgo my vote and let the Dems have a chance at taking over again. We saw what a shit show that was. I'm not sure what to do about it other start running better Republican candidates against the incumbents.

I saw on the internet that Cruz was shouted out of a restraunt last night by a batch of rabid Dems. I'm just not ready to turn the operation of this country over to a group that thinks that's acceptable behavior. And I don't particularly like Cruz but I'll hold my nose and vote for him over Beeto.

Offline walrus

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Re: The Dems at it again
« Reply #19 on: September 25, 2018, 05:45:27 PM »

I wish the Republicans were as gifted as the Democrats at being crooked and slimy in their politics. I have no illusion the Republicans can be crooked politicians too, but by comparison I think Republicans are novices at being crooks compared to the Democrats.
Swap Repubs and Dems around and this is word for word what Dems say  about Repubs.  TFF

Offline bonneyman

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Re: The Dems at it again
« Reply #20 on: September 25, 2018, 07:33:29 PM »
Herb, I agree that the RINOs in DC deserve a kick in the nuts I'm not yet willing to forgo my vote and let the Dems have a chance at taking over again. We saw what a shit show that was. I'm not sure what to do about it other start running better Republican candidates against the incumbents.

I saw on the internet that Cruz was shouted out of a restraunt last night by a batch of rabid Dems. I'm just not ready to turn the operation of this country over to a group that thinks that's acceptable behavior. And I don't particularly like Cruz but I'll hold my nose and vote for him over Beeto.

That's how I feel. I can't stand McSally, but Sinema is such a wacko loonie weirdo she can't get into the Senate.

Offline Uncle Buck

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Re: The Dems at it again
« Reply #21 on: September 26, 2018, 09:32:21 AM »
UB, I understand your frustration. But that line of thinking as far as voting is exactly what the enemy wants. Make no mistake they are the enemy and you not voting is like two votes for them. Sometimes you just have to hold your nose and vote. Not doing so is not how I think.

You have no idea how many times I have given others this exact advice myself. I have been in sync 100% with your comment. I just don't know that I can follow this very sage advice any longer. My comment prior is not typical of my thinking. I will see, right now I am watching intently. I am going to be disappointed beyond description if the Republican blow this vitally important issue like they have been doing with almost everything for the last few years.

Nutless wonders most of them.
You boys better hold on cause I'm gonna have to stand on it!

Offline jabberwoki

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Re: The Dems at it again
« Reply #22 on: September 26, 2018, 08:16:29 PM »
Is it just me or is this situation rising to a violent crescendo?
Is the need enough? Or does the want suffice?

Offline slip knot

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Re: The Dems at it again
« Reply #23 on: September 26, 2018, 08:34:29 PM »
unfortunately I agree with you Jabber. I just don't see this being resolved without a major upheaval in this country. I think the mid term elections will be a tipping point. If all the bat shit crazy Dems get elected I don't see life as a white male being very fun and if the Dems don't win they will be rioting in the streets.

Offline AnsonJ

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Re: The Dems at it again
« Reply #24 on: September 26, 2018, 08:49:49 PM »
UB, I understand your frustration. But that line of thinking as far as voting is exactly what the enemy wants. Make no mistake they are the enemy and you not voting is like two votes for them. Sometimes you just have to hold your nose and vote. Not doing so is not how I think.

You have no idea how many times I have given others this exact advice myself. I have been in sync 100% with your comment. I just don't know that I can follow this very sage advice any longer. My comment prior is not typical of my thinking. I will see, right now I am watching intently. I am going to be disappointed beyond description if the Republican blow this vitally important issue like they have been doing with almost everything for the last few years.

Nutless wonders most of them.

I have long said to my family and friends... Republicans and Democrats are boils on the same ass.  and both parties need lanced. 

Take a look at the last 20 years.  We have seen our economy spiral in, and who gets bailed out?  banks and car manufacturers that were "too big to fail".  Then we have seen the house/ senate and president all majorly Democrat with a supermajority in one of the houses.  they passed the Affordable Healthcare Act which was neither affordable or really healthcare and they got that passed by throwing legislation into the act terminating the privilege of generating student loans by privately held companies (unless you were a specific one from a specific state that was exempt in order for that state's spineless jackass to support the bill, so two lies in one. The Democrat controlled government did nothing to work on any other problem.  Nothing to address illegal immigration.  Nothing to address security of our borders.  nothing to address skyrocketing national debt other than to spend more money. 

we have seen the pendulum swing back to the right with the promise of "repealing Obamacare".  when has that happened?  it hasn't.  the best we can say is that much of the crappy parts have been defunded. but it is the "law of the land", so we can't scrap it and rethink the entire process.  We always have one (or as many as needed) republican to sink anything to undo most of the crappy laws from the previous regime.  Don't you find that interesting?  the Republicans battle cry from 2010 to 2016 was "we will undo/ repeal Obamacare".  they had at least six (6) YEARS to work out a viable alternative so that when they had a chance (ie when Trump took over and we had a majority in both houses) and what happens?  NOTHING.  they don't have a clue.  they should have had a plan and implemented it. 

So now we are at a point that the Republicans can really set the bar and do some good by confirming what appears to be a solid individual for the Supreme Court.  so what do they do?  they wet their pants and wring their hand over the "accusations" brought forth by a confirmed leftist and Trump hater who publicaly said she is out to cause problems for Trump.  convenient.  then when her credibility gets shredded, more liars come out of the woodwork to sink Kavanaugh, and the republicans are still wetting their pants and wringing their hands.  Stop the crap, and if you have damning evidence that Kavenaugh did something, present it, and fry his ass  right away.  But, I dont' think they do.  it is all a stall tactic.

At this point, we need to purge both parties and if the majority of the US would vote for a decent independent we could get somewhere.  and this is both state wide and usa wide. 

So to fix this, we need to implement term limits, and all congressmen and senators pay and benefits should be cut.  no more raises for the crappy job they do.  they will be paid the median income of the jurisdiction that they represent.  so unless they are bringing in new decent paying jobs , they don't get a raise.  Any laws passed are applicable to them as well.  none of this elitist horscrap that we have now that exempts them.  Otherwise we will continue to see the rampant assbaggery in our government :( that we see today.

I could go on and on, but you get my drift.

"If it weren't for physics and law enforcement, I'd be unstoppable!"

Offline slip knot

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Re: The Dems at it again
« Reply #25 on: September 26, 2018, 08:59:25 PM »
Preach on AJ.

I'll throw one more out there. We need to tie all politicains health care in with the VA. You can bet they would fix that mess pronto.

Offline bonneyman

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Re: The Dems at it again
« Reply #26 on: September 26, 2018, 09:39:03 PM »
unfortunately I agree with you Jabber. I just don't see this being resolved without a major upheaval in this country. I think the mid term elections will be a tipping point. If all the bat shit crazy Dems get elected I don't see life as a white male being very fun and if the Dems don't win they will be rioting in the streets.

Probably more true than we'd like to admit.

I'd hate to be a mom and pop business anywhere near downtown.

Offline highland512

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Re: The Dems at it again
« Reply #27 on: September 28, 2018, 07:42:31 AM »
I wouldnt want to own anything close to the city. When we where living in Louisiana we lived close to Baton Rouge. The afternoon when the asshole from Kansas City decided it was a good idea to shoot a bunch of cops was interesting. I remember seeing truck loads of rednecks with money armed to the teeth and ready for a fight.

It wont take much for a city to fall into total anarchy, the D mayors tell the cops to let the hood rats destroy. One of these days the hood rat will run into some business owners who wont let the mob destroy what they built and it will be a bloodbath.

What always cracks me up about some of these protest is who is paying for the bus rides, t-shirts, signs, inflatable trump babies??  If the news was doing it's job and not picking sides, these protest would seem a lot sillier.

Offline bonneyman

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Re: The Dems at it again
« Reply #28 on: September 28, 2018, 10:11:15 AM »
Well, it looks like Kavanaugh is going to make it. AZ senator Flake just announced he's supporting Kavanaugh, which is throwing the left into a tear fest. So - unless jeffy boy eats a bad burrito over the weekend - looks like the other moderates will fall in line and vote yes.
And the Dems are already plotting impeachment of Kavanaugh if they take the majority in the next two elections. Nice how all this talk of "for the children" and "womans rights" and "fighting for the middle class" have all disappeared and their true intentions are bared. But for now, all I've got to say is - elections have consequences, we won, and  :P

Offline goodfellow

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Re: The Dems at it again
« Reply #29 on: September 28, 2018, 10:35:01 AM »
The BIG money funding the Democrats comes from the abortion/pharma industry. That industry uses the Feminist and Racial Equality movements as a cover because if anyone questions their intentions, they immediately fall back on racism and misogyny to shut down any reasonable debate on the matter. The "Me Too" movement is just another virulent wing of that cabal.

In the process, and with the support of BIG money, the feminist movement has abandoned God, country, and the rule of law in favor of two new deities -- abortion and careless sexual gratification; because without the one the other can't exist. I pray to God that the good people in "fly-over" country will see this scam for what it truly is -- namely a grab for ultimate power without any consideration of the consequences.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2018, 10:37:09 AM by goodfellow »