Author Topic: Is diversity a good thing?  (Read 15522 times)

Offline mrchuck

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Re: Is diversity a good thing?
« Reply #30 on: January 07, 2019, 01:08:18 PM »
Am I a racist? Darn tootin I am.
I have made up my mind many years ago. In dealing with all ethnic races of people, the best and the worst of the races do stand out!
It is my decision as to who I trust to be around, and those I do not associate with.
My profession led me into many situations and using our Federal data banks like NCIC were helpful in separating out the good and bad.
The way you yourself was raised, has a lot to do with it.

yes sir, no sir, no excuse sir

Offline bonneyman

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Re: Is diversity a good thing?
« Reply #31 on: January 07, 2019, 06:31:10 PM »
The major capitals in Europe have tried to integrate middle eastern and African (mostly Muslim) immigrants for decades, without success. These people seem to flock together into very tight knit communities based on religious and ethnic traditions. They shun western culture and education and have developed their own religious/ethnic biospheres within these large cities. As a result many can't get living wage jobs and are effectively wards of the social welfare state. IIRC the term "no-go zone" was first coined in France because many of these enclaves are openly hostile to any outsider presence or influence. As a result, the political/cultural tensions are so frayed, that in some cases not even police and fire departments venture in these zones unless they have permission from the local religious leadership.

You see that's it right there. People not wanting to assimilate. Try that in any other country in the world, and see how far you get.

I just love the liberal excuse, "We're a nation of immigrants" or "We're all immigrants". Another code word. Yes we are all the products of immigration - unless you're native American Indian (but even then they are descended from Mongolians who came over the land bridge between Russia and Alaska, so, technically, they're "immigrants" too!) - you're descended from immigrants. But the vast majority were LEGAL immigrants, and they came through a barrier (i.e. Ellis Island or something), and - when they came - they left their mother country behind and became immersed in their adopted home - America. Lots of people were turned away because of disease, lack of documentation, no sponsor or established family, etc. But they assimilated.
Nowadays alot of immigration is illegal, in the back door, they don't assimilate, and they don't leave their home country behind. they come to get all the bennies of the USA and don't want to become an American. Sure I get congregating with like ethnicity - like NYC's Little Italy - but you have to assimilate. America becomes your home. You get all the advantages and privileges - and you assume all the responsibilities and abide by the laws. Most of these illegals don't want that. They want the benefits with none of the responsibilities. Sorry, it's all or nothing!
But the legal pathway is too slow and takes too long and.....TOUGH! It's our country, and we make the rules. If you don't like the rules don't come here! Or, do it legally, go to law school, and be a part of changing those rules.

The only reason they get by is because of big business wanting cheap labor (so they can get richer) and politicians wanting votes. And since politicians control the purse strings, they permit only a Swiss-cheese approach to border enforcement, and we have what we have. A physical wall - once built - would be (for the Southern Border) a true impediment. Perfect? No. Stop everybody? No. But it would be a big help.

Offline eborcim

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Re: Is diversity a good thing?
« Reply #32 on: January 13, 2019, 02:01:58 PM »
UB, How can agreeing with Ray's explanation be construed as racist?

The sad part of the whole 'diversity" thing is how most younger folks have had the "diversity" thing drilled into them since kindergarten to the point that it is almost a religious thing with them. I asked my 17YO daughter to read Rays post explaining the whole thing and as I expected she became agitated and quite upset. As I knew before we were done talking she once again was busy labeling me a racist like she has done on a number of occasions in the past.

I am done being called a racist by a snot nosed kid, even if she is my kid. I responded to her name by dismissing her as the socialist snowflake that she is, which caused the wife to jump into the fray and defend our darling daughter.

I told the wife that she and the daughter could both get over it. I told the wife that if our daughter was going to call people racists then she better get used to being called unflattering names in return that was just the way the game is played and being my daughter gives her no free pass to call me a racist. In the end I told the wife and daughter they could both get over it and get used to it.

It is hell watching your kid turn into looney shrill lefty I tell you. The 17 YO is beyond hope at this point too, that girl is just cooked.  :(

Offline Uncle Buck

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Re: Is diversity a good thing?
« Reply #33 on: January 13, 2019, 05:25:16 PM »
UB, How can agreeing with Ray's explanation be construed as racist?

The sad part of the whole 'diversity" thing is how most younger folks have had the "diversity" thing drilled into them since kindergarten to the point that it is almost a religious thing with them. I asked my 17YO daughter to read Rays post explaining the whole thing and as I expected she became agitated and quite upset. As I knew before we were done talking she once again was busy labeling me a racist like she has done on a number of occasions in the past.

I cannot explain the stupidity of a teenager.

I am done being called a racist by a snot nosed kid, even if she is my kid. I responded to her name by dismissing her as the socialist snowflake that she is, which caused the wife to jump into the fray and defend our darling daughter.

I told the wife that she and the daughter could both get over it. I told the wife that if our daughter was going to call people racists then she better get used to being called unflattering names in return that was just the way the game is played and being my daughter gives her no free pass to call me a racist. In the end I told the wife and daughter they could both get over it and get used to it.

It is hell watching your kid turn into looney shrill lefty I tell you. The 17 YO is beyond hope at this point too, that girl is just cooked.  :(
You boys better hold on cause I'm gonna have to stand on it!

Offline Lance

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Re: Is diversity a good thing?
« Reply #34 on: January 13, 2019, 06:42:10 PM »
There are well known benchmarks in the development of a human brain where concepts can be inserted for maximum profit.

NEA has published some very informative literature on the subject.  Present day parents of high school children are oblivious to what is being installed into their child's skull.  The program has been working for over 30 years, and is nearly impossible to overcome.

Fellow I know has been saying since the 70s NEA is anti American and dangerous.  Back around 95 he set up houskeeping with a lady who had a 15 year old son.  The boy offered to teach him how to run Mom's life early on in the deal.  Mom was shocked when she got home to find her boy washing windows and doing it properly.  She didn't understand the concept of a new Sheriff in town. 

A few months later the little darling was crying to mom how his self esteem was going in the dumper cause he wasn't being sufficiently complemented by the evil Sheriff.  Sheriff was told if he wasn't going to complement the lad he shouldn't talk to him..  Fine.  10 days later the little darling was complaining about hearing nothing.  Mom requested the Sheriff to complement the boy.  "Good job tieing your shoes" and "congratulations on walking all the way to the house" sent the little darling over the edge and right into mom's face.  Junior learned 140 pounds of mouth and waving hands in mom's face will get you on the floor staring into the tooth end of 120 pounds of German Shepard fast, and you will stay there till the dog is called off by the Sheriff.  Next time the kid mentioned self esteem to mom she breathed fire on him.  Problem solved.

There would be more episodes.  Junior eventually learned Sheriffs always win.  Mom joined Tough Love and came home to announce she didn't know why she went there, heard the same crap she heard from the Sheriff.  She went up the ranks to Assistant Head Toughie carried the pager and returned calls to frightened parents.  She memorized the doctrine, just didn't use it on her kid.

My humble opinion is teenage kids NEED to know somebody in a parental role says NO and means it.  It's a safety valve they can use when other idiots want them to jump into a group plan.  A kid can't stay clear on his own at that age, but can damn sure stay clear with No way, my old man will kill me.

If I had a 17 year old kid I was supporting spouting the crap Buck's kid is there would be a short informational meeting.  I'd clearly state the kid was not within the guidelines of my household, and therefore if the kid failed to correct and comply with my guidelines within 1 week said child would be desupported to include a complementary Uber to your teacher's house and trip to Court to remove you from the Family roster via Emancipation.  It'll cost you some money but the price is cheap in comparison to what is coming.