Author Topic: Anyone being affected by the shutdown?  (Read 48604 times)

Offline four.cycle

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Re: Anyone being affected by the shutdown?
« Reply #45 on: January 09, 2019, 08:54:23 PM »
It's all just a side show in an attempt to distract attention away from the numerous federal investigations that are currently ongoing.
There will be no money for a wall during the next two years. The Congress is Democrat controlled, and Schumer and Pelosi and the Democrats are not going to sign off on any funding for any wall.
Ain't gonna happen.

But good luck with that wishful thinking. ;)

Offline Lookin4_67GalaxieConv

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Re: Anyone being affected by the shutdown?
« Reply #46 on: January 09, 2019, 08:58:18 PM »
It's all just a side show in an attempt to distract attention away from the numerous federal investigations that are currently ongoing.
There will be no money for a wall during the next two years. The Congress is Democrat controlled, and Schumer and Pelosi and the Democrats are not going to sign off on any funding for any wall.
Ain't gonna happen.

But good luck with that wishful thinking. ;)

The House is controlled by the Democrats.  The Senate is controlled by the Republicans.  And Trump is still President, so overestimate the left winger's power at your own risk.

The wall is coming, be ready.
« Last Edit: January 09, 2019, 09:40:57 PM by Lookin4_67GalaxieConv »

Offline DeadNutz

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Re: Anyone being affected by the shutdown?
« Reply #47 on: January 09, 2019, 09:49:08 PM »
It's all just a side show in an attempt to distract attention away from the numerous federal investigations that are currently ongoing.
There will be no money for a wall during the next two years. The Congress is Democrat controlled, and Schumer and Pelosi and the Democrats are not going to sign off on any funding for any wall.
Ain't gonna happen.

But good luck with that wishful thinking. ;)

The House is controlled by the Democrats.  The Senate is controlled by the Republicans.  And Trump is still President, so overestimate the left winger's power at your own risk.

The wall is coming, be ready.

Today Trump tried to have a constructive dialog at the lunch meeting. When he asked Pelosi if he went ahead and funded things for 30 days would she consider the funding for the wall. He reply was no so Trump walked out. He did not slam his hands on the table and have a temper tantrum as Chucky Boy claimed. Trump tried to come to a compromise but the Dems were having no part of it.

What is going on right now is not an attempt to distract from other things. Trump is tired of US citizens being needlessly killed by foreign invaders. Bring on the wall.

Offline Matt_T

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Re: Anyone being affected by the shutdown?
« Reply #48 on: January 09, 2019, 11:32:55 PM »
It's all just a side show in an attempt to distract attention away from the numerous federal investigations that are currently ongoing.
There will be no money for a wall during the next two years. The Congress is Democrat controlled, and Schumer and Pelosi and the Democrats are not going to sign off on any funding for any wall.
Ain't gonna happen.

But good luck with that wishful thinking. ;)

You're probably right that it's a distraction for something. The rinos have had two years to fund a wall and finally decide to force the issue now they've lost their majority in the house :-[ :-[

I guess they were so busy repealing obamacare they never got around to the wall while they had a majority.................................

Offline walrus

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Re: Anyone being affected by the shutdown?
« Reply #49 on: January 10, 2019, 04:48:15 AM »
So the wall is going to solve all the immigration problems. My understanding is a majority of illegals are here after there green card lapsed. If true how does the wall solve that issue?
Why do we need new legislation or appropriations when the issues would be solved by enforcing current laws?

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Offline highland512

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Re: Anyone being affected by the shutdown?
« Reply #50 on: January 10, 2019, 07:36:47 AM »
Trump will have to build this through other ways than through the house, besides that 5 billion isn't going to buy much wall. I worked on a section of the border wall on the last go around of this back in the early 2000's. In 2006 it cost almost 2 million dollars a mile to build steel fence. With today's economy, labor shortage, and material prices you could add 15-20% to that price.

Offline fatfillup

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Re: Anyone being affected by the shutdown?
« Reply #51 on: January 10, 2019, 07:51:25 AM »
Walrus, no one said the wall would solve all immigration problems.  Folks with green cards lapsed are not the ones smuggling drugs into this country. 

The wall will reduce the number of folks and drugs and sex trade exploited girls coming into this country illegally across the southern border.   It is just another tool to combat illegal immigration.

Sad to say 5 billion is not a lot of money so the issue isn't money its partisan politics.

Enforcing current laws would certainly help but too many liberal cities counties won't allow it.

Plus, and I put this at the feet of both parties, we need real immigration reform and no one does anything.

Offline goodfellow

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Re: Anyone being affected by the shutdown?
« Reply #52 on: January 10, 2019, 08:24:35 AM »
So the wall is going to solve all the immigration problems. My understanding is a majority of illegals are here after there green card lapsed. If true how does the wall solve that issue?
Why do we need new legislation or appropriations when the issues would be solved by enforcing current laws?

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The problem is two-fold.

One- Most people living in this country illegally originally came here on a work, student, or tourist visa, and never returned to their home countries. Many people from Europe, Asia, and South America arrive this way and then disappear into the underground economy. Large cities like San Francisco and Miami are havens for these people because they have huge immigrant populations and a vast shadow economy (restaurants, dry cleaners, maid services, construction, landscaping, etc) that absorb these people quite readily, and who exist outside the federally regulated employment/wage/tax system; basically an unregulated cash based work economy. These people work, raise families, and in many cases choose not to seek government social services for fear of getting caught and deported.

Two - Mostly uneducated migrants from extremely poor countries in South America travel to the US border to get into the country illegally. These people come to the US for one reason: to get on the welfare dole by claiming "refugee" status at the border, and since they have no skills, their intent is to stay in the welfare system as long as possible. From their viewpoint it's a "free ride" for life and they don't mind the bureaucratic delays since they have few options. These people come to the border (like the masses that showed up in recent months from Honduras) and want to get caught -- because as soon as they set foot on US soil, they are automatically protected under US law. The fools in Congress (mostly Democrats and RINOs) have made the "refugee" system a joke because to qualify as a refugee you have to meet very minimum criteria. It's also very dangerous and aids human trafficking because under this system women with children are given preference -- hence kids get bought, sold, raped, tortured, beat, abused in all manner by adults so that when they arrive at the border a single woman can claim refugee status automatically if she has a few kids with her (regardless of whether they are hers or not), it also helps if she is pregnant -- that also gives her a leg-up on claiming refugee status.

Thousands of people are trafficked this way each day to the border to simply get caught by the Border Patrol and the first thing they say is that they are refugees. There are US-based and European based "charity" workers (mostly socialist left sponsored international groups) who educate these people in South America and Mexico on gaming the stupid US-based refugee system - they tell them exactly what to say, and how to act once they get on US soil. At that point the Border Patrol is helpless and they have to put these people "into the system" -- where they are eventually let go into US society (with a promise they will appear before an immigration judge in the future). Most all never show up for their immigration hearing.

What we have here is a mass flooding of people to the US, who are unskilled, often diseased (rise of tuberculosis and other communicable diseases in on the rise in border areas) who are integrated by law into US society because the system is not capable of detaining them. The US government simply lets these people go and buses them to communities all across the country in an effort to not only hide the problem, but to avoid local opposition to this clandestine program. Lots of schools across the country have been inundated with disease once these kids arrive -- yet the local school systems are powerless to stop it. They can't even send these kids home when there is a lice or scabie outbreak because it would highlight the fact that these "immigrants" were never properly vetted at the border due to their "refugee status".

The Wall -- will prevent most of these folks to simply walk across the border and claim to be refugees. They will be kept on the Mexican side of the border until their claims can be verified and they can be vetted. That way Uncle Sam doesn't have to house, feed, school, medicate, hospitalize, track, or provide pre-natal and neo-natal care to these people on the US side (the babies become automatic citizens even if the parent(s) are in custody but deliver on US soil). This way, thousands of illegals will not be flooding our cities and border communities with bogus refugee claims while "waiting" in the US to get their "refugee" claims adjudicated.

The wall will keep them in Mexico to wait their turn and to avoid our tax dollars paying for them while they wait their turn -- simple as that!
« Last Edit: January 10, 2019, 10:24:13 AM by goodfellow »

Offline bonneyman

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Re: Anyone being affected by the shutdown?
« Reply #53 on: January 10, 2019, 10:12:30 AM »
If walls didn't work then why do elites have walls around their homes? If we're all just one big happy family - and it's racist to deny entry to someone - then why don't the elites open up their homes to all these people?

How about the Vatican? If any organization could afford it, they could! How many tons of gold do they have stored from their many centuries of power? The Pope says we should let illegals in - he should lead by example.

Why do banks have locked doors, security guards, and money vaults? There's money in there, and people feel that they should have some, so we're just gonna let them walk right on in and take it and there's nothing we can do to remove them once they're in? Fat chance! :D

Why do we locks on our doors at home? Because we're racist, or greedy, or uncaring, or mean-spirited, or whitey-in-charge? No, I lock my front doors to keep honest people honest. So nobody can just waltz on in and threaten my loved ones. If someone is hungry or in a bad way I'll do what I can to help. But you don't force your way in and demand my possessions. The locked doors don't keep out the needy - heck, they don't even keep out the criminals. If someones intent on getting in somehow, someway they will. (That's what the shotgun is for)!

As has been said I don't think the wall is the perfect solution. It by itself is only going to do so much. But it would be an important step forward toward the goal of controlling the tide of immigrants wanting to come into the country.
« Last Edit: January 10, 2019, 10:18:52 AM by bonneyman »

Offline Lookin4_67GalaxieConv

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Re: Anyone being affected by the shutdown?
« Reply #54 on: January 10, 2019, 01:25:41 PM »
So the wall is going to solve all the immigration problems. My understanding is a majority of illegals are here after there green card lapsed. If true how does the wall solve that issue?
Why do we need new legislation or appropriations when the issues would be solved by enforcing current laws?

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As Bonneyman stated, a wall is one part of the solution.  Obama, Schumer, Pelosi and Hillary have, at various times since 2005, spoken about a need for border security. 

Now that Trump is president, has that need mysteriously vanished?

Offline walrus

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Re: Anyone being affected by the shutdown?
« Reply #55 on: January 10, 2019, 04:45:09 PM »
Walrus, no one said the wall would solve all immigration problems.  Folks with green cards lapsed are not the ones smuggling drugs into this country. 

The wall will reduce the number of folks and drugs and sex trade exploited girls coming into this country illegally across the southern border.   It is just another tool to combat illegal immigration.

Sad to say 5 billion is not a lot of money so the issue isn't money its partisan politics.

Enforcing current laws would certainly help but too many liberal cities counties won't allow it.

Plus, and I put this at the feet of both parties, we need real immigration reform and no one does anything.
Drugs are coming in via planes trains and automobiles :) seriously, you think people are walking across the borders with all the drugs people in the US are buying? Follow the money and you will realize they allow it to come here
How can liberal cities not allow federal agents to do their job? I tell you how, the employers want the illegals so they can make more money. Which is why both parties are to blame, they both have voters making money off the illegals.

Its ridiculous how badly this country is bought and paid by folks who aren't us. Who aren't what used to be the backbone of this country.
The immigration problem won't be solved until someone has a backbone and that ain't Trump

Offline goodfellow

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Re: Anyone being affected by the shutdown?
« Reply #56 on: January 10, 2019, 04:57:45 PM »
Bwahahahaha! What a joke Walrus! -- every administration since McKinley has tried to address the "immigration problem". There isn't a problem, but simply the lack of will and resolve to address it. Some administrations succeeded -- look up "Operation Wetback" under Pres. Eisenhower. The problem since then is that people like Ted Kennedy managed to intentionally fudge-up and loosen the immigration laws to such an extent that we no longer have common sense immigration laws; nor politicians that want to abide by them. Neither Republicans nor Democrats want to enforce immigration laws and borders because their corporate and political masters (like the US. Camber of Commerce and Koch Industries to name just a few) want to keep things as they are.

Pres. Trump is the only one in the last 50 years who doesn't just pay lip-service to the problem, but actually tries to force some action out of congress on the issue.

Offline slip knot

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Re: Anyone being affected by the shutdown?
« Reply #57 on: January 10, 2019, 05:21:27 PM »
I wasn't a big fan of Trumps in the beginning but the longer he's in office the more I like him.

The idea that the majority of illegals are overstayed visas is media BS. Locally for every one legal immigrant there is 200 illegals. I'm so tired of the political BS storm coming from the media and democrats about the wall. Trump is the only one who has come to the border to talk to the American people, That's who he represents, not some foreign illegal but Americans. We Americans are damn sick and tired of the free loader illegals coming to this country to thrive on our tax dollars. Trump gets it. no Republican or Democrat does.

Build the Wall, stop the invasion.

Offline Elroy

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Re: Anyone being affected by the shutdown?
« Reply #58 on: January 10, 2019, 05:47:36 PM »

The wall will keep them in Mexico and keep them off the democrat voter rolls  -- simple as that!

Elroy fixed it for ya

Offline Lance

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Re: Anyone being affected by the shutdown?
« Reply #59 on: January 10, 2019, 06:08:25 PM »
Facts be facts, and even boobs and a J School Degree make then hard to warp.

The Federal government has shut down 18 times in the lifetime of most on this board, and all 18 times Federal employees got paid for time they weren't working when the shutdown concluded. 

Most Federal employee unions supported and contributed to criminal Clinton in the 2016 cycle, and are therefore AntiTrump!  Unfortunately Trump didn't accept sufficient resignations when he was inaugurated because Team Red failed to back him and supply replacements for Agency positions.  The Deep state OBummer version remained in place and in power.  Any Federal employee who is unable to get a bridge loan to cover the shutdown at low interest is carrying excessive debt already along with on onboard overload of fecal matter.

I have yet to see barricades erected and staffed around the World War Memorial or the Vietnam Wall as was done at taxpayer expense and contracted well in advance by Team OBummer.  The lack of barricades and contract guards in and of itself is a considerable savings to taxpayers. 
Weren't those barricades technically mini walls to keep taxpayers out?

PeeLousey & Scummer claim walls don't work, so why did they vote to spend US taxpayer Dollars on a wall between Jordan and Iraq that is working quite well today?

If walls don't work, why did PeeLousey and Scummer send US tax Dollars to build Mexico's Southern wall which Mexico refused to use properly?

If walls don't keep undesired people out, why does PeeLousey have a tall wall around her mansion in California?

If walls don't work, why does TSA employ walls and barriers to keep people away from departure areas?  Come to think, why do we have TSA, let everybody on the plane and pass out hammers to people boarding. 

Will a US/Mexico wall work to keep 100% out?  Hell no, Mexicans know well how to build tunnels with rails inside them.  Will a wall keep drugs out? Again NO, but it will keep a portion of them out. 
What a wall will do is cut the cost of undocumented Democraps merely because less of them will exist.  Cutting that cost alone pays for the wall without factoring in the additional cost of health care for those infected by disease from S America.

Honestly if I were a Mexican or Guatemalan or Honduran I'd be doing my best to get to the pot of gold in the US. 

Team Blue, including Federal employees will move heaven and earth to prevent diminishing the arrival of Undocumented Democraps.  No Federal employee started their job not knowing the possibility of shutdowns existed.  Their failure to prepare for shutdown is NOT my problem.  You play stupid games you win stupid prizes.