Author Topic: Is diversity a good thing?  (Read 15526 times)

Offline walrus

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Re: Is diversity a good thing?
« Reply #15 on: January 05, 2019, 04:49:29 PM »
Diversity is being legislated and made into a political football for one single purpose -- to divide this country (as outlined by Saul Alinsky in his infamous guidebook for radicals). The more you can pigeon hole people into special interest groups under the guise of diversity, and appeal to their "special status" as a way to pit them against other special interest groups; the more power government demands as a way to arbitrate the disputes among the special interests.

Contrary to what the progressives and the educational establishment teaches; It isn't diversity that makes America great -- it's the things we all have in common as a people that make us great. Common sense values, the importance of the family unit as the fundamental core of our society, and most importantly the belief in American exceptionalism as it impacts all men regardless of race/creed/color.

Leftist Alinksy followers knew full well (even back in the mid-20th century) that in order to undermine our country, they would first have to denigrate/destroy our institutions (family, church, schools, and eventually government) -- Diversity was/is one of the weapons they chose to achieve these goals.

I had a very leftist Professor back in college in the 1970's -- more left than most back in the day, and he was a committed Alinskyite. He let it be known publicly in class that his goal (and that of many of his peers) for the long term was to divide the races (through diversity), take over the K-12 schools, and destroy the religious base of the United States. Almost fifty years later, as I look back, I tend to believe they almost succeeded.
What are they going to gain by destroying the USA? Money? Power?

That is a VERY good question. Read Alinsky -- he lays is out; a country based on true socialist principles, without religion (government will take the place of religion), or capitalist interference. If you follow along with the premise laid out by Alinsky -- Government will become the ultimate power broker and arbiter in all things that impact society. I tend to think of it as Orwell's 1984 on steroids --
You have all these religions/sects splitting up as they can't get along yet somehow their are enough folks(folks in power) who believe in Alinsky( and keep on his vision without going in different directions) to overthrow the US govt as we know it?  I don't doubt followers of his are around but.......

Offline goodfellow

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Re: Is diversity a good thing?
« Reply #16 on: January 05, 2019, 05:18:27 PM »
You have all these religions/sects splitting up as they can't get along yet somehow their are enough folks(folks in power) who believe in Alinsky( and keep on his vision without going in different directions) to overthrow the US govt as we know it?  I don't doubt followers of his are around but.......

They are coming out of the woodwork -- for example; look at the rise of the ANTIFA movement. Ten years ago it was a fringe movement in Europe; now it's a very established, well-funded, and organized domestic anti-American movement.

Offline Lance

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Re: Is diversity a good thing?
« Reply #17 on: January 05, 2019, 05:48:16 PM »
Alynski was the 3rd string.  He swiped most of his ideas and made money doing it.

Check into a fellow named Edward Bernays.

I'll just not bother entering into the entire religion side I have no need of enemies I don't already have.

Offline walrus

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Re: Is diversity a good thing?
« Reply #18 on: January 05, 2019, 06:26:12 PM »
So these disciples of saul are in it for? They doing it because they believe in the cause.? I dont buy that( I'm old and jaded) got to be trail of money somewhere?

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Offline bonneyman

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Re: Is diversity a good thing?
« Reply #19 on: January 05, 2019, 06:32:26 PM »
The sad part of the whole 'diversity" thing is how most younger folks have had the "diversity" thing drilled into them since kindergarten to the point that it is almost a religious thing with them. I asked my 17YO daughter to read Rays post explaining the whole thing and as I expected she became agitated and quite upset. As I knew before we were done talking she once again was busy labeling me a racist like she has done on a number of occasions in the past.

I am done being called a racist by a snot nosed kid, even if she is my kid. I responded to her name by dismissing her as the socialist snowflake that she is, which caused the wife to jump into the fray and defend our darling daughter.

I told the wife that she and the daughter could both get over it. I told the wife that if our daughter was going to call people racists then she better get used to being called unflattering names in return that was just the way the game is played and being my daughter gives her no free pass to call me a racist. In the end I told the wife and daughter they could both get over it and get used to it.

It is hell watching your kid turn into looney shrill lefty I tell you. The 17 YO is beyond hope at this point too, that girl is just cooked.  :(

Sorry to hear that, UB. That's gotta be rough.

Offline Lookin4_67GalaxieConv

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Re: Is diversity a good thing?
« Reply #20 on: January 05, 2019, 09:44:21 PM »
The sad part of the whole 'diversity" thing is how most younger folks have had the "diversity" thing drilled into them since kindergarten to the point that it is almost a religious thing with them. I asked my 17YO daughter to read Rays post explaining the whole thing and as I expected she became agitated and quite upset. As I knew before we were done talking she once again was busy labeling me a racist like she has done on a number of occasions in the past.

I am done being called a racist by a snot nosed kid, even if she is my kid. I responded to her name by dismissing her as the socialist snowflake that she is, which caused the wife to jump into the fray and defend our darling daughter.

I told the wife that she and the daughter could both get over it. I told the wife that if our daughter was going to call people racists then she better get used to being called unflattering names in return that was just the way the game is played and being my daughter gives her no free pass to call me a racist. In the end I told the wife and daughter they could both get over it and get used to it.

It is hell watching your kid turn into looney shrill lefty I tell you. The 17 YO is beyond hope at this point too, that girl is just cooked.  :(

See all the trouble you caused, Phil!  :))

Seriously, I can't imagine having to put up with your own kid mouthing off with that kind of sh/t.

Offline bonneyman

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Re: Is diversity a good thing?
« Reply #21 on: January 05, 2019, 11:04:18 PM »
The modern "diversity" is just another appropriation of the Left to divide and weaken America. It's just like "liberal", "common sense gun control", "progressive", "comprehensive immigration reform", "reproductive rights", "living wage", "socialism", "climate change", "racist", etc. Words and phrases that sound so logical and unassailable yet are totally devoid of their real meaning.
The forces of globalism know they can't win in a stand-up, head-on, war of ideas. So, they will apply these (as I call them) wedge issues to drive us apart - we end up fighting each other and making ourselves easier to take over.

Offline pep

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Re: Is diversity a good thing?
« Reply #22 on: January 05, 2019, 11:15:33 PM »
Nothing wrong with diversity, but is not a requirement for anything in life .
1776 ................... what happened!

Offline 34Ply

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Re: Is diversity a good thing?
« Reply #23 on: January 06, 2019, 08:02:41 AM »
Don't feel bad UB. I'm going through the same thing with a 50 year old son. I'm a racist bastard because I watch Fox news. He believes everything on the other cable channels. Went back in Sept. for a visit and I wasn't there 15 minutes and he started on Trump. I told him I wasn't talking politics with him and that pissed him off even more. He kept trying to bait me but I just reminded him I didn't want to talk about it. The wife and I spent more time with friends than him. It turned into a long 2 weeks. I'll be honest, I have no idea what happened to him. I am very disappointed we can't get along anymore but as all left leaning people believe if it's not the way they think than your the enemy. I still love him and hopefully we can get over this bump in the road.

Offline bonneyman

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Re: Is diversity a good thing?
« Reply #24 on: January 06, 2019, 10:55:40 AM »
Sorry about your son, 34ply.

I don't have any children but while working at the hardware store I had my fill of younger non-workers who were all propagandized. Was virtually impossible to talk to them - they just don't get it. One admitted he felt bad watching me work my butt off, but that wasn't enough to spur him to work harder. The rest didn't care.
I think things are going to get alot worse.

Offline Lookin4_67GalaxieConv

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Re: Is diversity a good thing?
« Reply #25 on: January 06, 2019, 12:06:35 PM »
Sorry about your son, 34ply.

I don't have any children but while working at the hardware store I had my fill of younger non-workers who were all propagandized. Was virtually impossible to talk to them - they just don't get it. One admitted he felt bad watching me work my butt off, but that wasn't enough to spur him to work harder. The rest didn't care.
I think things are going to get alot worse.

Too bad those little sh/ts don't get fired.  Then maybe they'd care.

Offline fatfillup

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Re: Is diversity a good thing?
« Reply #26 on: January 07, 2019, 10:20:01 AM »
Well didn't I get the pot stirred :))

And that was my intent.  I figured GF would chime in with some wise counsel an he didn't disappoint.   Shed some light on it for me. 

As to the religious denominations not getting along, I wanted to show an example of how more or less like minded people couldn't get along in the same building, how can we expect radically different religions to get along in geographic locations.  Heck, the Muslims kill each other if they don't believe quite the same dogma.  And it has been that way throughout history.  I just feel that history tells us we are better off living in groups of like minded people.   Not that you have to be hating on groups different then yours, just keep your distance. 

Offline goodfellow

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Re: Is diversity a good thing?
« Reply #27 on: January 07, 2019, 10:31:04 AM »
......I just feel that history tells us we are better off living in groups of like minded people.   Not that you have to be hating on groups different then yours, just keep your distance. 

That's human nature -- look at our historical and present day demographics. America being a very diverse country; its people have always flocked to live and commune with others who share their common values and interests, as well as their religious and ethnic heritage. That aspect of human nature hasn't changed since the large immigrant influx of the industrial revolution and has lasted well into the present day.

Offline DeadNutz

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Re: Is diversity a good thing?
« Reply #28 on: January 07, 2019, 10:42:41 AM »
Diversity is just the new code word for affirmative action.

Offline goodfellow

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Re: Is diversity a good thing?
« Reply #29 on: January 07, 2019, 10:56:57 AM »
The major capitals in Europe have tried to integrate middle eastern and African (mostly Muslim) immigrants for decades, without success. These people seem to flock together into very tight knit communities based on religious and ethnic traditions. They shun western culture and education and have developed their own religious/ethnic biospheres within these large cities. As a result many can't get living wage jobs and are effectively wards of the social welfare state. IIRC the term "no-go zone" was first coined in France because many of these enclaves are openly hostile to any outsider presence or influence. As a result, the political/cultural tensions are so frayed, that in some cases not even police and fire departments venture in these zones unless they have permission from the local religious leadership.