Author Topic: West Coast Gun Grabbing Insanity  (Read 4778 times)

Online gtermini

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West Coast Gun Grabbing Insanity
« on: April 18, 2019, 10:29:51 AM »
Oregon currently has senate bill 978 pending that would criminalize most gun owners.

It will:
SB 978 would create a patchwork of back alley gun control laws and eliminate Oregon’s pre-emption statute.

SB 978 would make you a felon if you traveled anywhere near any public building that chose to prohibit firearms, even if you had a concealed handgun license.

It would allow school districts, colleges and universities to make up policies concerning firearms in buildings they did not even own.

It would make traveling to and from an airport with a firearm, even with a concealed handgun license, a felony.

It would mandate that guns be locked up (already declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court) and allow you to be charged with a crime even if they were locked up and stolen.

It would make possession of many firearms made before 1968 a felony.

It would make possession of any gun you made yourself a felony. There is no provision for adding a serial number to a firearm you made yourself.

It would eliminate or severely restrict youth firearms programs.

It would require that all firearms “transferred” be equipped with cable or trigger locks and hold you responsible for crimes committed with any firearm that you transferred without such locks.

It would ban possession of “unfinished frames or receivers” which are so poorly defined the term could mean anything.

No amount of public opposition seems to be slowing its passing down. The Left owns a supermajority and will do as their lobbying overlords wish. They love to call the other side out on taking money, but have nothing to say to acknowledge their own contributions. These are just the payments from Bloomberg. Oregon Firearms Federation (our best local fighting ally), The Second Amendment Foundation, and Gun Owners of America combined have not even come close to matching Bloomberg in the same time period. We are "represented" by bought politicians, as are most people.

To the north in Wa, they have been under full assault. The populous of King County has been propagandized into voting their rights away. I1639 was illegally put on the ballot with purchased signatures, then passed by the blind liberals living in the big cities. This measure strips 18-20 year olds of their natural right to arms, redefines semi-autos as something to allow for more restrictions, places waiting periods on said "semi-automatic assault rifles", as well as many other ambiguous restrictions.

The latest up north was a bump stock buyback. Since Wa jumped to banning them before the ATF even considered it, they allocated some funding ($150k) for a buyback. It was to pay $150 per unit. The 1000 payments allotted were quickly gone through. The WSP had discretion on what was considered an eligible unit. Many with fully functional homemade devices were turned away. No one would comment officially if the homemade jobs were considered contraband or not. After the initial 1k payments, more funding was allocated, but it was to be given as a mailed check at a later date. These buybacks requested full identifying information from the participants. The officials were quiet about participation numbers up to this point.

It has now come out that the names and addresses of participants has been released to at least two people.

"This is a public records request.

I seek to inspect any and all completed WSP bump stock buy back forms.

I seek to obtain the names and addresses where checks will be mailed for the bump stock buy back program.

My intent is to create a searchable database and map of Washington state to overlay the locations.

The public has a right to know that these dangerous devices may have been in neighborhoods that they live in and who has previously owned such devices."


Requestor 2 - Paul Holgate
5120 W 3rd Avenue
Kennewick Wa., 98336

This is outrageous. The final line of that request makes me sick. It insinuates simply owning legal item makes you a dangerous person. This requester's goal is doxxing gun owners and painting them in a bad light. This is the first step in using the new red flag laws to attack law abiding citizens. This malicious opposition on rights needs to end now.

Offline bonneyman

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Re: West Coast Gun Grabbing Insanity
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2019, 12:25:45 PM »
Seems to me the dangerous people in the neighborhoods are the politicians. I think we should enact a ban on them!

Offline eborcim

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Re: West Coast Gun Grabbing Insanity
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2019, 01:05:31 PM »
So the next Civil War begins in PNW?

Offline fatfillup

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Re: West Coast Gun Grabbing Insanity
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2019, 01:25:40 PM »
So the next Civil War begins in PNW?

Hate to say it but man I see it coming.  Not just sure where it will start.

Online gtermini

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Re: West Coast Gun Grabbing Insanity
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2019, 02:11:46 PM »
I am not in any way advocating for a battle. As a matter of fact, I'm all for the opposite. A war would cripple this country and set us back economically 100+years. It is truly worst case scenario. The is no good outcome from civil war. That's why I don't understand why the left is fighting for this hill. There isn't a outcome that wins for them. They've split the vote to the point of stalling progress on most anything, now they think attacking people doing nothing wrong will help them gain support? No way.

Offline bonneyman

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Re: West Coast Gun Grabbing Insanity
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2019, 02:27:57 PM »
Their hatred - for Trump, America, and free enterprise - blinds them to reality. They think that they'll be able to ride out the civil war storm, and outlast normal Joes because they're elitists. look at Venezuela and Cuba - still run by communist regimes, and they're alot worse off than we are.

Offline DeadNutz

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Re: West Coast Gun Grabbing Insanity
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2019, 05:28:18 PM »
It is tough to fight the gun grabbers when they receive millions of dollars from Mayor Bloomberg. They are doing their best to screw up our state and have already passed the background check law. Some legislator submitted a bill to eliminate concealed carry here in Nevada but it died without getting out of committee. Not one thing they are doing will prevent another Vegas type shooting but it sure makes them feel like they making it safer for everybody. They seem to forget that they have to make it tougher for the criminals and not the average law abiding citizen.

Offline jabberwoki

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Re: West Coast Gun Grabbing Insanity
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2019, 06:33:50 PM »
Wyoming here I come.
Is the need enough? Or does the want suffice?

Offline bonneyman

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Re: West Coast Gun Grabbing Insanity
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2019, 06:45:00 PM »
It is tough to fight the gun grabbers when they receive millions of dollars from Mayor Bloomberg. They are doing their best to screw up our state and have already passed the background check law. Some legislator submitted a bill to eliminate concealed carry here in Nevada but it died without getting out of committee. Not one thing they are doing will prevent another Vegas type shooting but it sure makes them feel like they making it safer for everybody. They seem to forget that they have to make it tougher for the criminals and not the average law abiding citizen.

They don't care about the average person. They're only pursuing gun control so THEY'RE safer when they try to take over. The Nazis realized it was alot easier to disarm the citizenry BEFORE you make the dictator moves.