Author Topic: If you don't love America get out!  (Read 15789 times)

Offline fatfillup

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Re: If you don't love America get out!
« Reply #30 on: July 18, 2019, 11:35:33 AM »
Matt, I feel we are talking apples and oranges to some degree.  Yes our country has changed over the years and will continue to change, hopefully for the better.  But the basic freedoms this country was founded on haven't changed, though they have certainly been extended to those who were left out early on. 

As to the labor issues/shortages, I blame congress for not addressing immigration issues in years past and the blame can certainly be spread on both sides.  We can certainly devise a system to allow those immigrants who want to work in this country and who are needed to work here and still keep track of them, collect taxes and then go home and come back when needed again.  Or, if you prefer, a system where they can live here year round, but we need to know who they are and where they are.  But the current system reaches quotas long before the jobs are filled and thus the demand for illegals to work is bolstered.  The problem can be solved if congress wanted to solve it. 

Offline m_fumich

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Re: If you don't love America get out!
« Reply #31 on: July 18, 2019, 12:24:31 PM »
Matt, I feel we are talking apples and oranges to some degree.  Yes our country has changed over the years and will continue to change, hopefully for the better.  But the basic freedoms this country was founded on haven't changed, though they have certainly been extended to those who were left out early on. 

As to the labor issues/shortages, I blame congress for not addressing immigration issues in years past and the blame can certainly be spread on both sides.  We can certainly devise a system to allow those immigrants who want to work in this country and who are needed to work here and still keep track of them, collect taxes and then go home and come back when needed again.  Or, if you prefer, a system where they can live here year round, but we need to know who they are and where they are.  But the current system reaches quotas long before the jobs are filled and thus the demand for illegals to work is bolstered.  The problem can be solved if congress wanted to solve it.

I agree 100%. But Trump isn’t interested in that. He wants all brown undocumented immigrants on a bullet train to Mexico. He’s making no effort to address the European or Asian immigrants that came here undocumented or overstayed their Visa’s and he wants to deny brown immigrants the ability to request asylum. If their claims can’t be verified, they’ll go back and I’m all for that. I have no problem with detaining every undocumented immigrant that enters the US. But we can’t treat them like animals. These people didn’t attack us. Those children don’t deserve to be in cages. And to make things worse, companies, that I have no doubt have connections to Congress, are making MILLIONS from housing the detainees. We need to embrace the values Ronald Reagan believed in.

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Offline m_fumich

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Re: If you don't love America get out!
« Reply #32 on: July 18, 2019, 12:36:57 PM »

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Offline Lookin4_67GalaxieConv

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Re: If you don't love America get out!
« Reply #33 on: July 18, 2019, 04:05:01 PM »
I don't normally quote articles, but this woman (a Russian immigrant) hit's it eloquently and perfectly. Far better than I could.

I will reiterate, changing our government is in the roots of America. The next time there’s a Democrat in the White House, are all of you going to pack up an leave or try to bring about change? America didn’t have these issues 100 years ago. Guess what happened. THINGS CHANGED. Things will change again. If you advocate for no change then you must oppose any new law no matter what it’s about. So are you opposed to change or just the kind of change you don’t like? Now is the time for the hypocrites to raise their hands.

Change we can believe in?  Calling for "hope and change" was bullshit, and anyone with a brain knew it.  The kind of change Obama brought was cowering to the rest of the world and asking forgiveness, letting Iran build a nuclear bomb and giving them money to do it, ignoring over fifty years of human rights abuses and opening relations back up with Cuba, trading five terrorists for a traitor, letting men legally use the same bathrooms as little girls, etc.  That kind of change no society needs.

I don't remember any conservatives saying they were leaving the country after Obama was elected either time.  I also don't remember conservatives saying Obama wasn't legally elected, but we did hear that after the 2000 and 2016 elections, and even 2004 to an extent when a republican president was elected.

Offline bonneyman

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Re: If you don't love America get out!
« Reply #34 on: July 18, 2019, 04:34:44 PM »

I agree 100%. But Trump isn’t interested in that. He wants all brown undocumented immigrants on a bullet train to Mexico. He’s making no effort to address the European or Asian immigrants that came here undocumented or overstayed their Visa’s and he wants to deny brown immigrants the ability to request asylum. If their claims can’t be verified, they’ll go back and I’m all for that. I have no problem with detaining every undocumented immigrant that enters the US. But we can’t treat them like animals. These people didn’t attack us. Those children don’t deserve to be in cages. And to make things worse, companies, that I have no doubt have connections to Congress, are making MILLIONS from housing the detainees. We need to embrace the values Ronald Reagan believed in.

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We're not putting children in cages like prison camps - we're unable to adequately handle to flood of people coming in. So we're having to set up make-shift detention facilities to hold these people until we can send them home. So the accommodations aren't the Ritz. Tough break! If people don't like the way they're being treated then they can go home. That's the point. But it's a far cry from being treated like animals.
Look, I'm a hour away from the border. We were just informed on the news that our illustrious city council - bunch of liberal sucking globalists - is contacting the Feds to see if they can alter the terms of the grant money they're getting to deal with the problem of the illegal aliens. The city got 1.5 million dollars to help law enforcement - they want to divert that to humanitarian aid for these people. And after that money is gone, LE is still left underfunded - and they'll be even MORE mouths to feed! Yet, if we try and reallocate funds to build a border wall, liberals have a coronary!
These people have infectious diseases and they're being let loose into the country because we simply can't deal with the influx. And so thousands more come while everyone dithers about undocumented children being treated like animals. I've already seen more beggars on the streets, more people knocking on the front door selling junk or looking for work or needing "donations" for a trip. Plus I get approached and harassed more and more just walking across a parking lot to go to a store. I think it's already too late to avoid the inevitable clash. I really hope I'm wrong, but with idiots like Bernie, AOC, and Omar my hope isn't a strategy.

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Re: If you don't love America get out!
« Reply #35 on: July 18, 2019, 05:25:33 PM »
I don't normally quote articles, but this woman (a Russian immigrant) hit's it eloquently and perfectly. Far better than I could.

I will reiterate, changing our government is in the roots of America. The next time there’s a Democrat in the White House, are all of you going to pack up an leave or try to bring about change? America didn’t have these issues 100 years ago. Guess what happened. THINGS CHANGED. Things will change again. If you advocate for no change then you must oppose any new law no matter what it’s about. So are you opposed to change or just the kind of change you don’t like? Now is the time for the hypocrites to raise their hands.

Change we can believe in?  Calling for "hope and change" was bullshit, and anyone with a brain knew it.  The kind of change Obama brought was cowering to the rest of the world and asking forgiveness, letting Iran build a nuclear bomb and giving them money to do it, ignoring over fifty years of human rights abuses and opening relations back up with Cuba, trading five terrorists for a traitor, letting men legally use the same bathrooms as little girls, etc.  That kind of change no society needs.

I don't remember any conservatives saying they were leaving the country after Obama was elected either time.  I also don't remember conservatives saying Obama wasn't legally elected, but we did hear that after the 2000 and 2016 elections, and even 2004 to an extent when a republican president was elected.
"We" may not believe in it as "we " may be the minority. And many conservatives said he wasn't legally elected aka birtherism.

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Re: If you don't love America get out!
« Reply #36 on: July 18, 2019, 05:35:16 PM »
All of this is made up BS over Trumps Predsidency. When Obama was running against Clinton they had a debate and he basically said exactly what Trump said. we are being overrun. Obama was a god. Trump is a turd. Really, why?? IMHO they are terrified that the country may be coming to its senses. The Democrats just lost and election that they had rigged. All the king makers in this country ie:: the MSM, The political elite and the mega wealthy all had Hillary propped up to win.... and she lost :-\  The country is outta control. They've done everything they can to discredit Trump, drag him and his family thru the mud. They're even starting to eat their own trying to get Trump out. and Trump keeps winning. I wasn't a big fan of Trumps until lately.

As far as the border fiasco. The cages these people are being held in are 1000X better than where they were living at. The kids being separated from their parents is a real issue. they were separated from their parents long before they got to the border. They were sold, kidnapped or simply abandoned. They wont give a kid to someone who isn't a DNA match. just like a foster here you cant just give the kid to anyone who show up.

I've lived in South Texas all my life and I'm planning on leaving soon. Texas has been taken back over by Mexico, without a shot being fired. Trump is our only hope.

I used to enjoy talking politics, now it just pisses me off.

Offline Lookin4_67GalaxieConv

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Re: If you don't love America get out!
« Reply #37 on: July 18, 2019, 05:36:16 PM »
I don't normally quote articles, but this woman (a Russian immigrant) hit's it eloquently and perfectly. Far better than I could.

I will reiterate, changing our government is in the roots of America. The next time there’s a Democrat in the White House, are all of you going to pack up an leave or try to bring about change? America didn’t have these issues 100 years ago. Guess what happened. THINGS CHANGED. Things will change again. If you advocate for no change then you must oppose any new law no matter what it’s about. So are you opposed to change or just the kind of change you don’t like? Now is the time for the hypocrites to raise their hands.

Change we can believe in?  Calling for "hope and change" was bullshit, and anyone with a brain knew it.  The kind of change Obama brought was cowering to the rest of the world and asking forgiveness, letting Iran build a nuclear bomb and giving them money to do it, ignoring over fifty years of human rights abuses and opening relations back up with Cuba, trading five terrorists for a traitor, letting men legally use the same bathrooms as little girls, etc.  That kind of change no society needs.

I don't remember any conservatives saying they were leaving the country after Obama was elected either time.  I also don't remember conservatives saying Obama wasn't legally elected, but we did hear that after the 2000 and 2016 elections, and even 2004 to an extent when a republican president was elected.
"We" may not believe in it as "we " may be the minority. And many conservatives said he wasn't legally elected aka birtherism.

Absolutely nothing compared to the shitstorm Trump has weathered from the fake Russian collusion investigation to people like Jimmy Carter still saying Trump was elected with Russian help.  I'd also mention Hillary repeating this lie, but Carter still carries some respect, Clinton commands no respect. It's sad and pathetic.

« Last Edit: July 18, 2019, 05:38:39 PM by Lookin4_67GalaxieConv »

Offline m_fumich

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If you don't love America get out!
« Reply #38 on: July 18, 2019, 06:00:13 PM »
I agree that something needs to be done about the immigration issues. Ronald Reagan said we need to address WHY they’re coming here which is a big part of the problem. We can turn them away but they will keep coming back. I have no doubt the US was involved somehow in creating the conditions so many immigrants are fleeing in Central America. It’s my understanding the majority are coming from Guatemala and Honduras. If they simply wanted a life in the US, everyone from Mexico, Central America and South America would be coming here. They’re not.

I don’t know how the immigrants are being detained around Tucson but we have all seen the videos of the kids in cages. I would have to question which infectious diseases. Is it scabies and smallpox like Fox News reported. That’s hysterical. It’s not surprising many are sick with contagious illnesses. Go into any pediatricians office and they’re everywhere. Is there any information that says immigrants are bringing in more disease or more serious illnesses than visitors driving through ports of entry or flying in? I haven’t seen any.

But following the title of this thread, apparently some people feel the way things are in America are just fine, immigration issues and all. That is what it suggests. Either you accept change or you don’t. It’s hypocritical to say only the change you approve of is acceptable and to say if you don’t like America the way it is then leave. If you don’t like the current immigration laws and how they’re enforced, would you rather go against the title of this thread and change it or do as it says and leave?

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« Last Edit: July 18, 2019, 06:09:59 PM by m_fumich »

Offline hickory n Steel

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Re: If you don't love America get out!
« Reply #39 on: July 18, 2019, 09:40:04 PM »
Good points above but let me add that if you don't like America then leave but don't try to turn this country into what you left to come here especially you 3rd worlders.
I think it should be mandatory for people to learn English before they can become a citizen.
We speak English here, we should not be catering to those who want to live in America but don't actually want to be American.
All around me there are Mexicans who bring their young children up speaking Spanish, when I was in elementary school all the forms they sent home were in Spanish first then English on the back or down below.

They feel oppressed as " minorities " and wonder why, it's because they don't want to be American but rather bring their shitty home country here.

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Offline m_fumich

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Re: If you don't love America get out!
« Reply #40 on: July 23, 2019, 09:53:07 AM »

I think it should be mandatory for people to learn English before they can become a citizen.

It is a requirement.

But there are people who’s families have been US citizens for 100 years and they still don’t speak English.

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Offline hickory n Steel

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Re: If you don't love America get out!
« Reply #41 on: July 24, 2019, 08:56:45 PM »

I think it should be mandatory for people to learn English before they can become a citizen.

It is a requirement.

But there are people who’s families have been US citizens for 100 years and they still don’t speak English.

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I would not have guesses because it doesn't show.
If speaking English is required then I don't know why translators and forms I'm foreign languages are needed.

I can only assume fluency is not required.
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Offline m_fumich

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Re: If you don't love America get out!
« Reply #42 on: July 24, 2019, 09:17:31 PM »

I would not have guesses because it doesn't show.
If speaking English is required then I don't know why translators and forms I'm foreign languages are needed.

I can only assume fluency is not required.


Be able to read, write, and speak basic English.

It wasn’t until the 1980’s that Puerto Rico taught English in their schools. One of the students on my truck was Puerto Rican. He didn’t speak great English and his wife didn’t speak English at all.

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Re: If you don't love America get out!
« Reply #43 on: July 30, 2019, 09:48:50 AM »
fumich, I wonder, how many immigrants have you personally helped? How many are living with you or camping in your back yard? Has your family been directly impacted by the influx of illegals? When you or your family gets a disease we eradicated I bet you change your tune. The diseases you are talking about are brought here by them. Back in the Kennedy presidency the Dems were saying if they could get enough Blacks and other minorities to vote Democrat they could take over and the Republican Party would go away and never have another GOP president. They are doubling down with health care for illegal aliens and free everything for millenials.  Nothing will ever be free. Anyone that thinks giving people something for free hasn't got a clue. The best way to help someone is give them a job. Thanks Trump.  It's this kind of thought processes that will bring our country down to a third world level. I'm 70 now (just a old white man that something has to be done about) so I suppose that I'm not going to see the full impact of will happen if this continues on this path in the next 20 years but I'm afraid for my Son and Grandchildren.  God Bless America.